The Gaudi Framework  v29r0 (ff2e7097)
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // ============================================================================
2 // ==================================== 3D ====================================
3 // ============================================================================
4 // book the 3D histogram (book on demand)
5 // ============================================================================
6 template <class PBASE>
7 AIDA::IHistogram3D* GaudiHistos<PBASE>::book3D( const std::string& title, const double lowX, const double highX,
8  const unsigned long binsX, const double lowY, const double highY,
9  const unsigned long binsY, const double lowZ, const double highZ,
10  const unsigned long binsZ ) const
11 {
12  //
13  if ( !produceHistos() ) {
14  return nullptr;
15  } // RETURN
16  //
17  // exist?
18  auto hist = histo3D( title );
19  // histogram is already booked
20  if ( hist ) {
21  return hist;
22  } // RETURN !!
24  // propose the histogram ID
25  HistoID ID;
26  newHistoID( title, ID );
28  // Create a new histogram and return
29  return this->book3D( ID, title, lowX, highX, binsX, lowY, highY, binsY, lowZ, highZ, binsZ );
30 }
31 // ============================================================================
32 // book the 3D histogram with forced ID (book on demand)
33 // ============================================================================
34 template <class PBASE>
35 AIDA::IHistogram3D* GaudiHistos<PBASE>::book3D( const HistoID& ID, const std::string& title, const double lowX,
36  const double highX, const unsigned long binsX, const double lowY,
37  const double highY, const unsigned long binsY, const double lowZ,
38  const double highZ, const unsigned long binsZ ) const
39 {
40  //
41  if ( !produceHistos() ) {
42  return nullptr;
43  } // RETURN
44  //
45  // Check ID
46  if ( ID.undefined() ) {
47  this->Error( "Undefined Histogram ID : Title='" + title + "'" );
48  return nullptr;
49  }
51  // exist?
52  auto hist = histo3D( ID );
53  // histogram is already booked
54  if ( hist ) {
55  return hist;
56  } // RETURN !!
58  // Histogram title
59  const std::string& htitle = ( title.empty() ? "Unnamed 3D Histogram ID=" + ID.idAsString() : title );
61  // book the histogram
62  if ( ID.numeric() ) {
63  hist = this->histoSvc()->book( histoPath(), ID.numericID(), htitle, binsX, lowX, highX, binsY, lowY, highY, binsZ,
64  lowZ, highZ );
65  } else if ( ID.literal() ) {
66  hist = this->histoSvc()->book( histoPath() + "/" + ID.literalID(), htitle, binsX, lowX, highX, binsY, lowY, highY,
67  binsZ, lowZ, highZ );
68  }
70  // Check OK
71  if ( !hist ) {
72  this->Error( "IHistogram3D* points to NULL! ID='" + ID.idAsString() + "' title='" + htitle + "'" );
73  return nullptr;
74  } // RETURN !!
76  // add histogram into histogram storages
77  m_histo3DMapID[ID] = hist;
78  m_histo3DMapTitle[title] = hist;
80  // Declare to monitoring service
81  monitorHisto( Gaudi::Utils::Histos::toBase( hist ), ID );
83  // Printout and return
84  if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
85  this->debug() << "Booked 3D Histogram : ID='" << ID << "' Path=" << histoPath() << " Title='"
86  << Gaudi::Utils::Histos::htitle( hist ) << "'" << endmsg;
87  }
88  return hist;
89 }
90 // ============================================================================
91 // fill the 3D histogram with the values and weight
92 // ============================================================================
93 template <class PBASE>
94 AIDA::IHistogram3D* GaudiHistos<PBASE>::fill( AIDA::IHistogram3D* histo, const double valueX, const double valueY,
95  const double valueZ, const double weight, const std::string& title ) const
96 {
97  if ( !histo ) {
98  return nullptr;
99  } // RETURN
100  //
101  if ( !checkForNaN() ) {
102  Gaudi::Utils::Histos::fill( histo, valueX, valueY, valueZ, weight );
103  } else if ( std::isfinite( valueX ) && std::isfinite( valueY ) && std::isfinite( valueZ ) &&
104  std::isfinite( weight ) ) {
105  Gaudi::Utils::Histos::fill( histo, valueX, valueY, valueZ, weight );
106  } else if ( std::isnan( valueX ) || std::isnan( valueY ) || std::isnan( valueZ ) || std::isnan( weight ) ) {
107  this->Warning( "fill():: 'NaN' value is skipped from the histogram '" +
108  Gaudi::Utils::Histos::htitle( histo, title ) + "'" );
109  } else {
110  this->Warning( "fill():: 'Infinite' value is skipped from the histogram '" +
111  Gaudi::Utils::Histos::htitle( histo, title ) + "'" );
112  }
113  // return
114  return histo;
115 }
116 // ============================================================================
117 // fill the 3D histogram (book on demand)
118 // ============================================================================
119 template <class PBASE>
120 AIDA::IHistogram3D*
121 GaudiHistos<PBASE>::plot3D( const double valueX, const double valueY, const double valueZ, const std::string& title,
122  const double lowX, const double highX, const double lowY, const double highY,
123  const double lowZ, const double highZ, const unsigned long binsX, const unsigned long binsY,
124  const unsigned long binsZ, const double weight ) const
125 {
126  AIDA::IHistogram3D* h( nullptr );
127  if ( produceHistos() ) {
128  // retrieve or book the histogram
129  h = histo3D( title );
130  if ( !h ) {
131  h = book3D( title, lowX, highX, binsX, lowY, highY, binsY, lowZ, highZ, binsZ );
132  }
133  // fill the histogram
134  h = fill( h, valueX, valueY, valueZ, weight, title );
135  }
136  return h;
137 }
138 // ============================================================================
139 // fill the 3D histogram with forced ID assignment (book on demand)
140 // ============================================================================
141 template <class PBASE>
142 AIDA::IHistogram3D*
143 GaudiHistos<PBASE>::plot3D( const double valueX, const double valueY, const double valueZ, const HistoID& ID,
144  const std::string& title, const double lowX, const double highX, const double lowY,
145  const double highY, const double lowZ, const double highZ, const unsigned long binsX,
146  const unsigned long binsY, const unsigned long binsZ, const double weight ) const
147 {
148  AIDA::IHistogram3D* h( nullptr );
149  if ( produceHistos() ) {
150  // retrieve or book the histogram
151  h = histo3D( ID );
152  if ( !h ) {
153  h = book3D( ID, title, lowX, highX, binsX, lowY, highY, binsY, lowZ, highZ, binsZ );
154  }
155  // fill the histogram
156  h = fill( h, valueX, valueY, valueZ, weight, title );
157  }
158  return h;
159 }
160 // ============================================================================
161 // The END
162 // ============================================================================
GAUDI_API std::string htitle(const AIDA::IBaseHistogram *histo, const std::string &title="")
get the title
Definition: Fill.cpp:126
T empty(T...args)
NumericID numericID() const noexcept
Returns the numerical ID.
Definition: GaudiHistoID.h:74
GAUDI_API void fill(AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo, const double value, const double weight=1.0)
simple function to fill AIDA::IHistogram1D objects
Definition: Fill.cpp:35
STL class.
bool literal() const noexcept
Is this ID numeric.
Definition: GaudiHistoID.h:68
T isfinite(T...args)
AIDA::IHistogram3D * plot3D(const double valueX, const double valueY, const double valueZ, const std::string &title, const double lowX, const double highX, const double lowY, const double highY, const double lowZ, const double highZ, const unsigned long binsX=10, const unsigned long binsY=10, const unsigned long binsZ=10, const double weight=1.0) const
fill the 3D histogram (book on demand)
const LiteralID & literalID() const noexcept
Returns the ID as a LiteralID.
Definition: GaudiHistoID.h:72
GAUDI_API LiteralID idAsString() const
Return ID as string, for both numeric and literal IDs.
bool numeric() const noexcept
Is this ID numeric.
Definition: GaudiHistoID.h:66
T isnan(T...args)
AIDA::IHistogram3D * book3D(const std::string &title, const double lowX=0, const double highX=100, const unsigned long binsX=10, const double lowY=0, const double highY=100, const unsigned long binsY=10, const double lowZ=0, const double highZ=100, const unsigned long binsZ=10) const
book the 3D histogram
GAUDI_API AIDA::IBaseHistogram * toBase(AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo)
Definition: Fill.cpp:180
bool undefined() const noexcept
Is this ID undefined.
Definition: GaudiHistoID.h:70
ID class for Histogram and Ntuples.
Definition: GaudiHistoID.h:44
MsgStream & endmsg(MsgStream &s)
MsgStream Modifier: endmsg. Calls the output method of the MsgStream.
Definition: MsgStream.h:209
AIDA::IHistogram1D * fill(AIDA::IHistogram1D *histo, const double value, const double weight, const std::string &title="") const
fill the 1D histogram with the value and weight