class | AccumulatorSet |
| AccumulatorSet is an Accumulator that holds a set of Accumulators templated by same Arithmetic and Atomicity and increase them altogether. More...
struct | Adder |
| An Adder ValueHandler operator(a, b) means a += b. More...
struct | Adder< Arithmetic, atomicity::full > |
| Adder specialization in the case of atomicity full. More...
struct | Adder< Arithmetic, atomicity::none > |
| Adder specialization in the case of atomicity none. More...
struct | AveragingAccumulator |
| AveragingAccumulator. More...
struct | AveragingCounter |
| A counter aiming at computing sum and average. More...
struct | BaseValueHandler |
| Base type for all functors used as ValuesHandler. More...
struct | BaseValueHandler< Arithmetic, atomicity::full > |
| BaseValueHandler specialization in the case of atomicity full. More...
struct | BaseValueHandler< Arithmetic, atomicity::none > |
| BaseValueHandler specialization in the case of atomicity none. More...
struct | BinomialAccumulator |
| BinomialAccumulator. More...
struct | BinomialCounter |
class | Buffer |
| Buffer is a non atomic Accumulator which, when it goes out-of-scope, updates the underlying thread-safe Accumulator for all previous updates in one go. More...
struct | BufferableCounter |
| An empty ancester of all counters that provides a buffer method that returns a buffer on itself. More...
struct | Constant |
| An functor always returning the value N. More...
struct | CountAccumulator |
| CountAccumulator. More...
struct | Counter |
| A basic counter counting input values. More...
struct | Extremum |
| An Extremum ValueHandler, to be reused for Minimum and Maximum operator(a, b) means if (Compare(b,a)) a = b In case of full atomicity, compare_exchange_weak is used. More...
struct | Extremum< Arithmetic, atomicity::full, Compare, Initial > |
| Extremum specialization in the case of atomicity full. More...
struct | Extremum< Arithmetic, atomicity::none, Compare, Initial > |
| Extremum specialization in the case of atomicity none. More...
struct | FalseAccumulator |
| FalseAccumulator. More...
struct | FalseTo1 |
| helper functor for the FalseAccumulator More...
class | GenericAccumulator |
| Generic Accumulator, templated by. More...
struct | Identity |
| An Identity functor. More...
struct | MaxAccumulator |
| MaxAccumulator. More...
struct | MinAccumulator |
| MinAccumulator. More...
struct | PrintableCounter |
| An empty ancester of all counters that knows how to print themselves. More...
struct | SigmaAccumulator |
| SigmaAccumulator. More...
struct | SigmaCounter |
| A counter aiming at computing average and sum2 / variance / standard deviation. More...
struct | Square |
| A Square functor. More...
struct | SquareAccumulator |
| SquareAccumulator. More...
struct | StatCounter |
| A counter aiming at computing average and sum2 / variance / standard deviation. More...
struct | SumAccumulator |
| SumAccumulator. More...
struct | TrueAccumulator |
| TrueAccumulator. More...
struct | TrueTo1 |
| helper functor for the TrueAccumulator More...
template<typename T , typename = int> |
using | has_fetch_add_ = decltype(std::atomic< T >{}.fetch_add(0)) |
| type_traits for checking the presence of fetch_add in std::atomic<T> More...
template<typename T > |
using | has_fetch_add = typename Gaudi::cpp17::is_detected< has_fetch_add_, T >::value_t |
template<typename Arithmetic , atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full> |
using | Minimum = Extremum< Arithmetic, Atomicity, std::less< Arithmetic >, std::numeric_limits< Arithmetic >::max > |
| A Minimun ValueHandler operator(a, b) means a = min(a, b) In case of full atomicity, compare_exchange_weak is used. More...
template<typename Arithmetic , atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full> |
using | Maximum = Extremum< Arithmetic, Atomicity, std::greater< Arithmetic >, std::numeric_limits< Arithmetic >::lowest > |
| An Maximum ValueHandler operator(a, b) means a = max(a, b) In case of full atomicity, compare_exchange_weak is used. More...
template<typename Arithmetic , atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full> |
using | StatAccumulator = AccumulatorSet< Arithmetic, Atomicity, SigmaAccumulator, MinAccumulator, MaxAccumulator > |
| StatAccumulator. More...
template<typename Arithmetic = double, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full> |
using | SummingCounter = AveragingCounter< Arithmetic, Atomicity > |