| Profile2D () |
| Default Constructor. More...
| Profile2D (TProfile2D *rep) |
| Default Constructor with representation object. More...
bool | fill (double x, double y, double z, double weight) override |
| Fill bin content. More...
const CLID & | clID () const override |
| Retrieve reference to class defininition identifier. More...
| DataObject () |
| Standard Constructor. More...
| DataObject (const DataObject &rhs) |
| Copy Constructor. More...
DataObject & | operator= (const DataObject &rhs) |
| Assignment Operator. More...
| DataObject (DataObject &&rhs) |
| Move Constructor. More...
DataObject & | operator= (DataObject &&rhs) |
| Move Assignment Operator. More...
virtual | ~DataObject () |
| Standard Destructor. More...
virtual unsigned long | addRef () |
| Add reference to object. More...
virtual unsigned long | release () |
| release reference to object More...
const std::string & | name () const |
| Retreive DataObject name. It is the name when registered in the store. More...
virtual StatusCode | update () |
| Provide empty placeholder for internal object reconfiguration callback. More...
void | setRegistry (IRegistry *pRegistry) |
| Set pointer to Registry. More...
IRegistry * | registry () const |
| Get pointer to Registry. More...
LinkManager * | linkMgr () const |
| Retrieve Link manager. More...
unsigned char | version () const |
| Retrieve version number of this object representation. More...
void | setVersion (unsigned char vsn) |
| Set version number of this object representation. More...
unsigned long | refCount () const |
| Return the refcount. More...
virtual std::ostream & | fillStream (std::ostream &s) const |
| Fill the output stream (ASCII) More...
| Generic2D ()=default |
TObject * | representation () const override |
| ROOT object implementation. More...
void | adoptRepresentation (TObject *rep) override |
| Adopt ROOT histogram representation. More...
std::string | title () const override |
| Get the title of the object. More...
bool | setTitle (const std::string &title) override |
| Set the title of the object. More...
std::string | name () const |
| object name More...
bool | setName (const std::string &newName) |
| Set the name of the object. More...
AIDA::IAnnotation & | annotation () override |
| Access annotation object. More...
const AIDA::IAnnotation & | annotation () const override |
| Access annotation object (cons) More...
const AIDA::IAxis & | xAxis () const override |
| Return the X axis. More...
const AIDA::IAxis & | yAxis () const override |
| Return the Y axis. More...
virtual int | rIndexX (int index) const |
| operator methods More...
virtual int | rIndexY (int index) const |
| operator methods More...
int | entries () const override |
| Get the number or all the entries. More...
int | allEntries () const override |
| Get the number or all the entries, both in range and underflow/overflow bins of the IProfile. More...
int | extraEntries () const override |
| Get the number of entries in the underflow and overflow bins. More...
double | sumBinHeights () const override |
| Get the sum of in range bin heights in the IProfile. More...
double | sumAllBinHeights () const override |
| Get the sum of all the bins heights (including underflow and overflow bin). More...
double | sumExtraBinHeights () const override |
| Get the sum of the underflow and overflow bin height. More...
double | minBinHeight () const override |
| Get the minimum height of the in-range bins. More...
double | maxBinHeight () const override |
| Get the maximum height of the in-range bins. More...
double | binMeanX (int indexX, int indexY) const override |
| The weighted mean along x of a given bin. More...
double | binMeanY (int indexX, int indexY) const override |
| The weighted mean along y of a given bin. More...
int | binEntries (int indexX, int indexY) const override |
| The number of entries (ie the number of times fill was called for this bin). More...
int | binEntriesX (int indexX) const override |
| Equivalent to projectionX().binEntries(indexX) . More...
int | binEntriesY (int indexY) const override |
| Equivalent to projectionY().binEntries(indexY) . More...
double | binHeight (int indexX, int indexY) const override |
| Total height of the corresponding bin (ie the sum of the weights in this bin). More...
double | binHeightX (int indexX) const override |
| Equivalent to projectionX().binHeight(indexX) . More...
double | binHeightY (int indexY) const override |
| Equivalent to projectionY().binHeight(indexY) . More...
double | binError (int indexX, int indexY) const override |
| The error on this bin. More...
virtual double | binRms (int indexX, int indexY) const |
| The spread (RMS) of this bin. More...
double | meanX () const override |
| Returns the mean of the profile, as calculated on filling-time projected on the X axis. More...
double | meanY () const override |
| Returns the mean of the profile, as calculated on filling-time projected on the Y axis. More...
double | rmsX () const override |
| Returns the rms of the profile as calculated on filling-time projected on the X axis. More...
double | rmsY () const override |
| Returns the rms of the profile as calculated on filling-time projected on the Y axis. More...
int | coordToIndexX (double coordX) const override |
| Convenience method, equivalent to xAxis().coordToIndex(coord) . More...
int | coordToIndexY (double coordY) const override |
| Convenience method, equivalent to yAxis().coordToIndex(coord) . More...
virtual double | equivalentBinEntries () const |
| Number of equivalent entries, i.e. SUM[ weight ] ^ 2 / SUM[ weight^2 ] More...
virtual bool | scale (double scaleFactor) |
| Scale the weights and the errors of all the IHistogram's bins (in-range and out-of-range ones) by a given scale factor. More...
bool | add (const INTERFACE &h) override |
| Modifies this profile by adding the contents of profile to it. More...
bool | reset () override |
void * | cast (const std::string &className) const override |
| Introspection method. More...
const std::string & | userLevelClassType () const |
| The AIDA user-level unterface leaf class type. More...
int | dimension () const override |
| Get the Histogram's dimension. More...
std::ostream & | print (std::ostream &s) const override |
| Print (ASCII) the histogram into the output stream. More...
std::ostream & | write (std::ostream &s) const override |
| Write (ASCII) the histogram table into the output stream. More...
int | write (const char *file_name) const override |
| Write (ASCII) the histogram table into a file. More...
template<> |
void * | cast (const std::string &className) const |
template<> |
int | binEntries (int indexX, int indexY) const |
template<> |
void | adoptRepresentation (TObject *rep) |
| Adopt ROOT histogram representation. More...
template<> |
void * | cast (const std::string &className) const |
template<> |
int | binEntries (int idX, int idY) const |
template<> |
void | adoptRepresentation (TObject *rep) |
| Adopt ROOT histogram representation. More...
virtual | ~HistogramBase ()=default |
AIDA implementation for 2 D profiles using ROOT TProfile2D.
- Author
- M.Frank
Definition at line 18 of file P2D.h.