The Gaudi Framework  v29r0 (ff2e7097)
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //====================================================================
2 // RootCnvSvc implementation
3 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
4 //
5 // Description: Implementation of the ROOT data storage
6 //
7 // Author : M.Frank
8 //
9 //====================================================================
11 // Framework include files
12 #include "RootCnv/RootCnvSvc.h"
17 #include "GaudiKernel/IRegistry.h"
19 #include "GaudiKernel/Incident.h"
22 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
23 #include "GaudiKernel/System.h"
25 #include "RootCnv/RootAddress.h"
26 #include "RootCnv/RootConverter.h"
30 #include "RootCnv/RootNTupleCnv.h"
31 #include "RootCnv/RootRefs.h"
32 #include "RootUtils.h"
34 using namespace std;
35 using namespace Gaudi;
36 typedef const string& CSTR;
38 #define S_OK StatusCode::SUCCESS
39 #define S_FAIL StatusCode::FAILURE
40 namespace GaudiRoot
41 {
42  bool patchStreamers( MsgStream& log );
43 }
45 namespace
46 {
47  static map<string, TClass*> s_classesNames;
48  static map<CLID, TClass*> s_classesClids;
49 }
50 #define MBYTE ( 1024 * 1024 )
51 #define kBYTE 1024
52 // Standard constructor
53 RootCnvSvc::RootCnvSvc( CSTR nam, ISvcLocator* svc )
54  : ConversionSvc( nam, svc, ROOT_StorageType ), m_setup{new RootConnectionSetup()}
55 {
56  m_setup->cacheBranches.push_back( "*" );
57  declareProperty( "LoadSection", m_setup->loadSection = "Event" );
59  // ROOT Read parameters: must be shared for the entire file!
60  declareProperty( "CacheSize", m_setup->cacheSize = 10 * MBYTE );
61  declareProperty( "LearnEntries", m_setup->learnEntries = 10 );
62  declareProperty( "CacheBranches", m_setup->cacheBranches );
63  declareProperty( "VetoBranches", m_setup->vetoBranches );
64 }
66 // Small routine to issue exceptions
68 {
69  if ( m_log ) {
70  log() << MSG::ERROR << "Error: " << msg << endmsg;
71  return S_FAIL;
72  }
73  MsgStream m( msgSvc(), name() );
74  m << MSG::ERROR << "Error: " << msg << endmsg;
75  return S_FAIL;
76 }
78 // Initialize the Db data persistency service
80 {
81  string cname;
83  if ( !status.isSuccess() ) {
84  return error( "Failed to initialize ConversionSvc base class." );
85  }
86  m_log.reset( new MsgStream( msgSvc(), name() ) );
87  if ( !m_compression.empty() ) {
88  log() << MSG::INFO << "Setting global ROOT compression to:" << m_compression << endmsg;
89  if ( !( status = RootConnectionSetup::setCompression( m_compression ) ).isSuccess() ) {
90  return error( "Unable to interprete ROOT compression encoding:" + m_compression );
91  }
92  }
93  m_ioMgr = service( "IODataManager" );
94  if ( !m_ioMgr ) return error( "Unable to localize interface from service:IODataManager" );
95  m_incidentSvc = service( "IncidentSvc" );
96  if ( !m_incidentSvc ) return error( "Unable to localize interface from service:IncidentSvc" );
97  m_setup->setMessageSvc( new MsgStream( msgSvc(), name() ) );
98  m_setup->setIncidentSvc( m_incidentSvc.get() );
100  cname = System::typeinfoName( typeid( DataObject ) );
101  m_classDO = TClass::GetClass( cname.c_str() );
102  if ( !m_classDO ) return error( "Unable to load class description for DataObject" );
103  cname = System::typeinfoName( typeid( RootObjectRefs ) );
104  m_classRefs = TClass::GetClass( cname.c_str() );
105  if ( !m_classRefs ) return error( "Unable to load class description for ObjectRefs" );
106  return S_OK;
107 }
109 // Finalize the Db data persistency service
111 {
112  log() << MSG::INFO;
113  if ( m_ioMgr ) {
114  IIODataManager::Connections cons = m_ioMgr->connections( nullptr );
115  for ( auto& i : cons ) {
116  auto pc = dynamic_cast<RootDataConnection*>( i );
117  if ( pc ) {
118  if ( pc->owner() == this && !m_ioPerfStats.empty() ) {
119  pc->saveStatistics( m_ioPerfStats );
120  }
121  if ( pc->lookupClient( this ) ) {
122  size_t num_clients = pc->removeClient( this );
123  if ( num_clients == 0 ) {
124  if ( m_ioMgr->disconnect( pc ).isSuccess() ) {
125  log() << "Disconnected data IO:" << pc->fid() << " [" << pc->pfn() << "]" << endmsg;
126  delete pc;
127  }
128  }
129  }
130  }
131  }
132  m_ioMgr.reset();
133  }
134  m_log.reset();
136  m_setup->setIncidentSvc( nullptr );
137  return ConversionSvc::finalize();
138 }
140 // ConversionSvc overload: Create new Converter using factory
141 IConverter* RootCnvSvc::createConverter( long typ, const CLID& wanted, const ICnvFactory* )
142 {
143  if ( wanted == CLID_StatisticsFile )
144  return new RootDatabaseCnv( typ, wanted, serviceLocator().get(), this );
145  else if ( wanted == CLID_StatisticsDirectory )
146  return new RootDirectoryCnv( typ, wanted, serviceLocator().get(), this );
147  else if ( wanted == CLID_RowWiseTuple )
148  return new RootNTupleCnv( typ, wanted, serviceLocator().get(), this );
149  else if ( wanted == CLID_ColumnWiseTuple )
150  return new RootNTupleCnv( typ, wanted, serviceLocator().get(), this );
151  else
152  return new RootConverter( typ, wanted, serviceLocator().get(), this );
153 }
155 // ConversionSvc overload: Load the class (dictionary) for the converter
157 {
158  if ( pObject ) {
159  string cname = System::typeinfoName( typeid( *pObject ) );
160  if ( log().level() <= MSG::DEBUG )
161  log() << MSG::DEBUG << "Trying to 'Autoload' dictionary for class " << cname << endmsg;
162  TClass* cl = s_classesNames[cname];
163  if ( nullptr == cl ) {
164  cl = TClass::GetClass( cname.c_str() );
165  if ( cl ) {
166  s_classesNames[cname] = cl;
167  s_classesClids[pObject->clID()] = cl;
168  }
169  }
170  }
171 }
173 // Helper: Get TClass for a given DataObject pointer
174 TClass* RootCnvSvc::getClass( DataObject* pObject )
175 {
176  auto i = s_classesClids.find( pObject->clID() );
177  if ( i != s_classesClids.end() ) return i->second;
178  loadConverter( pObject );
179  i = s_classesClids.find( pObject->clID() );
180  if ( i != s_classesClids.end() ) return i->second;
182  string cname = System::typeinfoName( typeid( *pObject ) );
183  throw runtime_error( "Unknown ROOT class for object:" + cname );
184  return nullptr;
185 }
187 // Connect the output file to the service with open mode.
189 {
190  StatusCode sc = S_FAIL;
191  m_current = nullptr;
193  if (::strncasecmp( openMode.c_str(), "RECREATE", 3 ) == 0 )
195  else if (::strncasecmp( openMode.c_str(), "NEW", 1 ) == 0 )
197  else if (::strncasecmp( openMode.c_str(), "CREATE", 1 ) == 0 )
199  else if (::strncasecmp( openMode.c_str(), "UPDATE", 1 ) == 0 )
201  if ( sc.isSuccess() && m_current && m_current->isConnected() ) {
202  return S_OK;
203  }
204  m_incidentSvc->fireIncident( Incident( dsn, IncidentType::FailOutputFile ) );
205  log() << MSG::ERROR << "The dataset " << dsn << " cannot be opened in mode " << openMode << ". [Invalid mode]"
206  << endmsg;
207  return sc;
208 }
210 // Connect the output file to the service with open mode.
212 {
213  try {
214  IDataConnection* c = m_ioMgr->connection( dataset );
215  bool fire_incident = false;
216  *con = nullptr;
217  if ( !c ) {
218  std::unique_ptr<RootDataConnection> connection( new RootDataConnection( this, dataset, m_setup ) );
219  StatusCode sc = ( mode != IDataConnection::READ )
220  ? m_ioMgr->connectWrite( connection.get(), IDataConnection::IoType( mode ), "ROOT" )
221  : m_ioMgr->connectRead( false, connection.get() );
222  c = sc.isSuccess() ? m_ioMgr->connection( dataset ) : nullptr;
223  if ( c ) {
224  bool writable = 0 != ( mode & ( IDataConnection::UPDATE | IDataConnection::RECREATE ) );
225  fire_incident = m_incidentEnabled && ( 0 != ( mode & ( IDataConnection::UPDATE | IDataConnection::READ ) ) );
226  if ( writable ) {
228  ContextIncident<TFile*>( connection->pfn(), "CONNECTED_OUTPUT", connection->file() ) );
229  }
230  if ( 0 != ( mode & IDataConnection::READ ) ) {
231  if ( !m_ioPerfStats.empty() ) {
232  connection->enableStatistics( m_setup->loadSection );
233  }
234  }
235  connection.release();
236  } else {
238  dataset, mode == IDataConnection::READ ? IncidentType::FailInputFile : IncidentType::FailOutputFile ) );
239  // An error message was already printed by the IODataManager. no need to do it here!
240  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
241  }
242  }
243  RootDataConnection* pc = dynamic_cast<RootDataConnection*>( c );
244  if ( pc ) {
245  if ( !pc->isConnected() ) pc->connectRead();
246  *con = pc;
247  pc->resetAge();
248  pc->addClient( this );
249  }
250  if ( *con ) {
251  if ( fire_incident ) {
252  IOpaqueAddress* pAddr = nullptr;
253  string fid = pc->fid();
254  string section = m_recordName[0] == '/' ? m_recordName.value().substr( 1 ) : m_recordName.value();
255  TBranch* b = pc->getBranch( section, m_recordName );
256  if ( b ) {
257  const string par[2] = {fid, m_recordName};
258  unsigned long ipar[2] = {(unsigned long)( *con ), (unsigned long)b->GetEntries() - 1};
259  for ( int i = 0; i < b->GetEntries(); ++i ) {
260  ipar[1] = i;
261  if ( !pc->mergeFIDs().empty() ) fid = pc->mergeFIDs()[i];
262  if ( !createAddress( repSvcType(), CLID_DataObject, par, ipar, pAddr ).isSuccess() ) {
263  if ( log().level() <= MSG::VERBOSE )
264  log() << MSG::VERBOSE << "Failed to create address for " << m_recordName << " in:" << fid << " ["
265  << pc->fid() << "][" << i << "]" << endmsg;
266  continue;
267  }
268  if ( log().level() <= MSG::VERBOSE )
269  log() << MSG::VERBOSE << "Prepare " << m_recordName << " " << fid << " [" << par[0] << "][" << i << "]"
270  << endmsg;
271  m_incidentSvc->fireIncident( ContextIncident<IOpaqueAddress*>( fid, "FILE_OPEN_READ", pAddr ) );
272  }
273  } else {
274  if ( log().level() <= MSG::VERBOSE )
275  log() << MSG::VERBOSE << "No valid Records " << m_recordName << " present in:" << pc->fid() << endmsg;
276  }
277  }
279  // We can remove retired connections, which are no longer used....
280  for ( auto& i : m_ioMgr->connections( this ) ) {
281  if ( i != *con && !i->isConnected() ) {
282  RootDataConnection* pc = dynamic_cast<RootDataConnection*>( i );
283  if ( pc && pc->lookupClient( this ) ) {
284  size_t num_client = pc->removeClient( this );
285  if ( num_client == 0 ) {
286  if ( m_ioMgr->disconnect( pc ).isSuccess() ) {
287  log() << MSG::INFO << "Removed disconnected IO stream:" << pc->fid() << " [" << pc->pfn() << "]"
288  << endmsg;
289  delete pc;
290  }
291  }
292  }
293  }
294  }
295  return S_OK;
296  }
297  m_incidentSvc->fireIncident( Incident( dataset, IncidentType::FailOutputFile ) );
298  return S_FAIL;
299  } catch ( exception& e ) {
300  m_incidentSvc->fireIncident( Incident( dataset, IncidentType::FailOutputFile ) );
301  return error( string( "connectDatabase> Caught exception:" ) + e.what() );
302  } catch ( ... ) {
303  m_incidentSvc->fireIncident( Incident( dataset, IncidentType::FailOutputFile ) );
304  return error( "connectDatabase> Unknown Fatal Exception for " + dataset );
305  }
306 }
308 // Conect output stream (valid until overwritten)
309 StatusCode RootCnvSvc::connectOutput( CSTR db_name ) { return connectOutput( db_name, "NEW" ); }
311 // Commit pending output on open container
312 StatusCode RootCnvSvc::commitOutput( CSTR dsn, bool /* doCommit */ )
313 {
314  if ( m_current ) {
315  size_t len = m_currSection.find( '/', 1 );
316  string section = m_currSection.substr( 1, len == string::npos ? string::npos : len - 1 );
317  TBranch* b = m_current->getBranch( section, m_currSection );
318  if ( b ) {
319  Long64_t evt = b->GetEntries();
320  TTree* t = b->GetTree();
321  TObjArray* a = t->GetListOfBranches();
322  Int_t nb = a->GetEntriesFast();
324  for ( Int_t i = 0; i < nb; ++i ) {
325  TBranch* br_ptr = (TBranch*)a->UncheckedAt( i );
326  Long64_t br_evt = br_ptr->GetEntries();
327  if ( br_evt < evt ) {
328  Long64_t num = evt - br_evt;
329  br_ptr->SetAddress( nullptr );
330  while ( num > 0 ) {
331  br_ptr->Fill();
332  --num;
333  }
334  if ( log().level() <= MSG::DEBUG )
335  log() << MSG::DEBUG << "commit: Added " << long( evt - br_evt ) << " Section: " << evt
336  << " Branch: " << br_ptr->GetEntries() << " RefNo: " << br_ptr->GetEntries() - 1
337  << " NULL entries to:" << br_ptr->GetName() << endmsg;
338  }
339  }
341  b->GetTree()->SetEntries( evt );
342  if ( evt == 1 ) {
343  b->GetTree()->OptimizeBaskets( m_basketSize, 1.1, "" );
344  }
345  if ( evt > 0 && ( evt % m_autoFlush ) == 0 ) {
346  if ( evt == m_autoFlush ) {
347  b->GetTree()->SetAutoFlush( m_autoFlush );
348  b->GetTree()->OptimizeBaskets( m_basketSize, 1., "" );
349  } else {
350  b->GetTree()->FlushBaskets();
351  }
352  }
353  if ( log().level() <= MSG::DEBUG )
354  log() << MSG::DEBUG << "Set section entries of " << m_currSection << " to " << long( evt ) << " entries."
355  << endmsg;
356  } else {
357  return error( "commitOutput> Failed to update entry numbers on " + dsn );
358  }
359  }
360  return S_OK;
361 }
363 // Disconnect from an existing data stream.
365 {
366  IDataConnection* c = m_ioMgr->connection( dataset );
367  return c ? m_ioMgr->disconnect( c ) : S_FAIL;
368 }
370 // IAddressCreator implementation: Address creation
371 StatusCode RootCnvSvc::createAddress( long typ, const CLID& clid, const string* par, const unsigned long* ip,
372  IOpaqueAddress*& refpAddress )
373 {
374  refpAddress = new RootAddress( typ, clid, par[0], par[1], ip[0], ip[1] );
375  return S_OK;
376 }
378 // Insert null marker for not existent transient object
380 {
381  size_t len = path.find( '/', 1 );
382  string section = path.substr( 1, len == string::npos ? string::npos : len - 1 );
383  m_current->saveObj( section, path, nullptr, nullptr, m_bufferSize, m_splitLevel );
384  return S_OK;
385 }
387 // Insert null marker for not existent transient object
389 {
390  RootObjectRefs* refs = nullptr;
391  size_t len = path.find( '/', 1 );
392  string section = path.substr( 1, len == string::npos ? string::npos : len - 1 );
393  pair<int, unsigned long> ret = m_current->save( section, path + "#R", nullptr, refs, m_bufferSize, m_splitLevel );
394  if ( log().level() <= MSG::VERBOSE )
395  log() << MSG::VERBOSE << "Writing object:" << path << " " << ret.first << " " << hex << ret.second << dec
396  << " [NULL]" << endmsg;
397  return S_OK;
398 }
400 // Mark an object for write given an object reference
402 {
403  refpAddr = nullptr;
404  if ( !pObj ) return error( "createRep> Current Database is invalid!" );
405  CLID clid = pObj->clID();
406  IRegistry* pR = pObj->registry();
407  string p[2] = {m_current->fid(), pR->identifier()};
408  TClass* cl = ( clid == CLID_DataObject ) ? m_classDO : getClass( pObj );
409  size_t len = p[1].find( '/', 1 );
410  string sect = p[1].substr( 1, len == string::npos ? string::npos : len - 1 );
411  pair<int, unsigned long> ret = m_current->saveObj( sect, p[1], cl, pObj, m_bufferSize, m_splitLevel, true );
412  if ( ret.first > 1 || ( clid == CLID_DataObject && ret.first == 1 ) ) {
413  unsigned long ip[2] = {0, ret.second};
414  if ( m_currSection.empty() ) m_currSection = p[1];
415  return createAddress( repSvcType(), clid, p, ip, refpAddr );
416  }
417  return error( "Failed to write object data for:" + p[1] );
418 }
420 // Save object references to data file
422 {
423  if ( pObj ) {
424  typedef vector<IRegistry*> Leaves;
425  Leaves leaves;
426  RootObjectRefs refs;
427  IRegistry* pR = pObj->registry();
428  auto dataMgr = SmartIF<IDataManagerSvc>{pR->dataSvc()};
429  if ( dataMgr ) {
430  StatusCode status = dataMgr->objectLeaves( pObj, leaves );
431  if ( status.isSuccess() ) {
432  RootRef ref;
433  const string& id = pR->identifier();
434  size_t len = id.find( '/', 1 );
435  string sect = id.substr( 1, len == string::npos ? string::npos : len - 1 );
436  LinkManager* pLinks = pObj->linkMgr();
437  for ( auto& i : leaves ) {
438  if ( i->address() ) {
439  m_current->makeRef( i, ref );
440  ref.entry = i->address()->ipar()[1];
441  refs.refs.push_back( ref );
442  }
443  }
444  for ( int i = 0, n = pLinks->size(); i < n; ++i ) {
445  LinkManager::Link* lnk = pLinks->link( i );
446  int link_id = m_current->makeLink( lnk->path() );
447  refs.links.push_back( link_id );
448  }
450  m_current->save( sect, id + "#R", m_classRefs, &refs, m_bufferSize, m_splitLevel, true );
451  if ( ret.first > 1 ) {
452  if ( log().level() <= MSG::DEBUG )
453  log() << MSG::DEBUG << "Writing object:" << id << " " << ret.first << " " << hex << ret.second << dec
454  << endmsg;
455  return S_OK;
456  }
457  }
458  }
459  }
460  return S_FAIL;
461 }
463 // Read existing object. Open transaction in read mode if not active
465 {
466  refpObj = nullptr;
467  if ( !pA ) return S_FAIL;
468  RootDataConnection* con = nullptr;
469  const string* par = pA->par();
470  unsigned long* ipar = const_cast<unsigned long*>( pA->ipar() );
471  StatusCode sc = connectDatabase( par[0], IDataConnection::READ, &con );
472  if ( sc.isSuccess() ) {
473  ipar[0] = (unsigned long)con;
474  DataObject* pObj = nullptr;
475  size_t len = par[1].find( '/', 1 );
476  string section = par[1].substr( 1, len == string::npos ? string::npos : len - 1 );
478  int nb = con->loadObj( section, par[1], ipar[1], pObj );
479  if ( nb > 1 || ( nb == 1 && pObj->clID() == CLID_DataObject ) ) {
480  refpObj = pObj;
481  return S_OK;
482  }
483  delete pObj;
484  }
485  string tag = par[0] + ":" + par[1];
486  if ( m_badFiles.find( tag ) == m_badFiles.end() ) {
487  m_badFiles.insert( tag );
488  return error( "createObj> Cannot access the object:" + tag );
489  }
490  return S_FAIL;
491 }
493 // Resolve the references of the created transient object.
495 {
496  if ( !pA || !pObj ) return error( "read> Cannot read object -- no valid object address present " );
498  const unsigned long* ipar = pA->ipar();
499  RootDataConnection* con = (RootDataConnection*)ipar[0];
500  if ( con ) {
501  RootObjectRefs refs;
502  const string* par = pA->par();
503  size_t len = par[1].find( '/', 1 );
504  string section = par[1].substr( 1, len == string::npos ? string::npos : len - 1 );
505  int nb = con->loadRefs( section, par[1], ipar[1], refs );
506  if ( nb >= 1 ) {
507  string npar[3];
508  unsigned long nipar[2];
509  IRegistry* pR = pObj->registry();
510  auto dataMgr = SmartIF<IDataManagerSvc>{pR->dataSvc()};
511  LinkManager* mgr = pObj->linkMgr();
512  for ( const auto& i : refs.links ) mgr->addLink( con->getLink( i ), nullptr );
513  for ( auto& r : refs.refs ) {
514  npar[0] = con->getDb( r.dbase );
515  npar[1] = con->getCont( r.container );
516  npar[2] = con->getLink( );
517  nipar[0] = 0;
518  nipar[1] = r.entry;
519  IOpaqueAddress* nPA = nullptr;
520  StatusCode sc = addressCreator()->createAddress( r.svc, r.clid, npar, nipar, nPA );
521  if ( sc.isSuccess() ) {
522  if ( log().level() <= MSG::VERBOSE )
523  log() << MSG::VERBOSE <<<IService>()->name() << " -> Register:" << pA->registry()->identifier()
524  << "#" << npar[2] << "[" << r.entry << "]" << endmsg;
525  sc = dataMgr->registerAddress( pA->registry(), npar[2], nPA );
526  if ( sc.isSuccess() ) continue;
527  }
528  log() << MSG::ERROR << con->fid() << ": Failed to create address!!!!" << endmsg;
529  return S_FAIL;
530  }
531  return pObj->update();
532  } else if ( nb < 0 ) {
533  string tag = par[0] + ":" + par[1];
534  if ( m_badFiles.find( tag ) == m_badFiles.end() ) {
535  m_badFiles.insert( tag );
536  return error( "createObj> Cannot access the object:" + tag + " [Corrupted file]" );
537  }
538  }
539  }
540  return S_FAIL;
541 }
void addClient(const IInterface *client)
Add new client to this data source.
bool lookupClient(const IInterface *client) const
Lookup client for this data source.
Definition of the MsgStream class used to transmit messages.
Definition: MsgStream.h:24
SmartIF< IAddressCreator > & addressCreator() const override
Retrieve address creator facility.
virtual StatusCode update()
Provide empty placeholder for internal object reconfiguration callback.
Definition: DataObject.cpp:71
MsgStream & log() const
Helper: Use message streamer.
Definition: RootCnvSvc.h:99
Gaudi::Property< int > m_autoFlush
Definition: RootCnvSvc.h:65
MsgStream & msg() const
shortcut for the method msgStream(MSG::INFO)
T empty(T...args)
Definition: RootAddress.h:37
The ISvcLocator is the interface implemented by the Service Factory in the Application Manager to loc...
Definition: ISvcLocator.h:25
The data converters are responsible to translate data from one representation into another...
Definition: IConverter.h:58
const std::string & name() const override
Retrieve name of the service.
Definition: Service.cpp:289
const std::string & fid() const
Access file id.
std::string m_currSection
Property: ROOT section name.
Definition: RootCnvSvc.h:88
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_recordName
Definition: RootCnvSvc.h:61
virtual StatusCode createNullRef(const std::string &path)
Insert null marker for not existent transient object.
Definition: RootCnvSvc.cpp:388
I/O Connection types.
std::pair< int, unsigned long > saveObj(const std::string &section, const std::string &cnt, TClass *cl, DataObject *pObj, int buff_siz, int split_lvl, bool fill_missing=false)
Save object of a given class to section and container.
TFile * file() const
Direct access to TFile structure.
SmartIF< IIncidentSvc > m_incidentSvc
Reference to incident service.
Definition: RootCnvSvc.h:78
bool isConnected() const override
Check if connected to data source.
const std::string & getDb(int which) const
Access database/file name from saved index.
GAUDI_API const std::string typeinfoName(const std::type_info &)
Get platform independent information about the class type.
Definition: System.cpp:329
virtual StatusCode createAddress(long svc_type, const CLID &clid, const std::string *par, const unsigned long *ipar, IOpaqueAddress *&refpAddress)=0
Create a Generic address using explicit arguments to identify a single object.
StatusCode createAddress(long svc_type, const CLID &clid, const std::string *par, const unsigned long *ip, IOpaqueAddress *&refpAddress) override
IAddressCreator implementation: Address creation.
Definition: RootCnvSvc.cpp:371
bool isSuccess() const
Test for a status code of SUCCESS.
Definition: StatusCode.h:75
T log(T...args)
int loadObj(const std::string &section, const std::string &cnt, unsigned long entry, DataObject *&pObj)
Load object.
std::shared_ptr< RootConnectionSetup > m_setup
Setup structure (ref-counted) and passed to data connections.
Definition: RootCnvSvc.h:86
void loadConverter(DataObject *pObj) override
ConversionSvc overload: Load the class (dictionary) for the converter.
Definition: RootCnvSvc.cpp:156
MsgStream & dec(MsgStream &log)
Definition: MsgStream.h:299
virtual IRegistry * registry() const =0
Update branch name.
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_compression
Definition: RootCnvSvc.h:72
size_t removeClient(const IInterface *client)
Remove client from this data source.
constexpr double pc
STL namespace.
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & declareProperty(Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase &prop)
Declare a property.
bool patchStreamers(MsgStream &log)
StatusCode initialize() override
ConversionSvc overload: initialize Db service.
Definition: RootCnvSvc.cpp:79
const std::string & getLink(int which) const
Access link name from saved index.
T end(T...args)
StatusCode connectDatabase(const std::string &dataset, int mode, RootDataConnection **con)
Connect the output file to the service with open mode.
Definition: RootCnvSvc.cpp:211
std::vector< RootRef > refs
The references corresponding to the next layer of items in the data store.
Definition: RootRefs.h:64
StatusCode finalize() override
ConversionSvc overload: Finalize Db service.
Definition: RootCnvSvc.cpp:110
MsgStream & hex(MsgStream &log)
Definition: MsgStream.h:304
Gaudi::Property< int > m_splitLevel
Definition: RootCnvSvc.h:71
Gaudi::Property< int > m_bufferSize
Definition: RootCnvSvc.h:69
virtual const std::string * par() const =0
Retrieve String parameters.
const std::string & pfn() const
Access physical file name.
STL class.
StatusCode commitOutput(const std::string &outputFile, bool do_commit) override
Commit pending output.
Definition: RootCnvSvc.cpp:312
IRegistry * registry() const
Get pointer to Registry.
Definition: DataObject.h:72
int loadRefs(const std::string &section, const std::string &cnt, unsigned long entry, RootObjectRefs &refs)
Load references object.
Persistent reference object containing all leafs and links corresponding to a Gaudi DataObject...
Definition: RootRefs.h:60
T release(T...args)
LinkManager * linkMgr() const
Retrieve Link manager.
Definition: DataObject.h:74
STL class.
TYPE * get() const
Get interface pointer.
Definition: SmartIF.h:82
Persistent reference object.
Definition: RootRefs.h:31
T push_back(T...args)
MsgStream & error() const
shortcut for the method msgStream(MSG::ERROR)
virtual void fireIncident(const Incident &incident)=0
Fire an Incident.
virtual const CLID & clID() const
Retrieve reference to class definition structure.
Definition: DataObject.cpp:62
virtual const unsigned long * ipar() const =0
Access to generic link parameters.
virtual const id_type & identifier() const =0
Full identifier (or key)
T what(T...args)
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_ioPerfStats
Definition: RootCnvSvc.h:56
General service interface definition.
Definition: IService.h:18
This class is used for returning status codes from appropriate routines.
Definition: StatusCode.h:28
std::unique_ptr< MsgStream > m_log
Message streamer.
Definition: RootCnvSvc.h:94
constexpr double m
Definition: SystemOfUnits.h:94
#define S_OK
Definition: RootCnvSvc.cpp:38
TBranch * getBranch(const std::string &section, const std::string &branch_name)
Access data branch by name: Get existing branch in read only mode.
void makeRef(IRegistry *pA, RootRef &ref)
Create reference object from registry entry.
Statistics file converter class definition.
virtual IDataProviderSvc * dataSvc() const =0
Retrieve pointer to Transient Store.
TClass * m_classDO
TClass pointer to DataObject class.
Definition: RootCnvSvc.h:84
The IRegistry represents the entry door to the environment any data object residing in a transient da...
Definition: IRegistry.h:22
const long ROOT_StorageType
Definition: ClassID.h:52
virtual StatusCode i__createObj(IOpaqueAddress *pAddr, DataObject *&refpObj)
Create transient object from persistent data.
Definition: RootCnvSvc.cpp:464
T reset(T...args)
const std::string & getCont(int which) const
Access container name from saved index.
unsigned int CLID
Class ID definition.
Definition: ClassID.h:8
T clear(T...args)
NTuple converter class definition for NTuples writted/read using ROOT.
Definition: RootNTupleCnv.h:36
STL class.
virtual StatusCode disconnect(const std::string &dbName)
Disconnect from an existing data stream.
Definition: RootCnvSvc.cpp:364
std::vector< int > links
The links of the link manager.
Definition: RootRefs.h:62
std::pair< int, unsigned long > save(const std::string &section, const std::string &cnt, TClass *cl, void *pObj, int buff_siz, int split_lvl, bool fill_missing=false)
Save object of a given class to section and container.
const StringVec & mergeFIDs() const
Access merged FIDs.
IConverter * createConverter(long typ, const CLID &wanted, const ICnvFactory *fac) override
ConversionSvc overload: Create new Converter using factory.
Definition: RootCnvSvc.cpp:141
T get(T...args)
T insert(T...args)
std::set< std::string > m_badFiles
Set with bad files/tables.
Definition: RootCnvSvc.h:91
#define MBYTE
Definition: RootCnvSvc.cpp:50
Description: NTuple directory converter class definition Definition of the converter to manage the di...
virtual StatusCode createNullRep(const std::string &path)
Insert null marker for not existent transient object.
Definition: RootCnvSvc.cpp:379
T find(T...args)
StatusCode connectRead() override
Open data stream in read mode.
STL class.
STL class.
ABC describing basic data connection.
int makeLink(const std::string &p)
Convert path string to path index.
SmartIF< Gaudi::IIODataManager > m_ioMgr
Reference to the I/O data manager.
Definition: RootCnvSvc.h:76
void resetAge()
Reset age.
T c_str(T...args)
Base class for all Incidents (computing events).
Definition: Incident.h:17
virtual StatusCode i__fillRepRefs(IOpaqueAddress *pAddr, DataObject *pObj)
Resolve the references of the converted object.
Definition: RootCnvSvc.cpp:421
long repSvcType() const override
Retrieve the class type of the data store the converter uses.
SmartIF< IMessageSvc > & msgSvc() const
The standard message service.
static long setCompression(const std::string &compression)
Set the global compression level.
virtual StatusCode i__fillObjRefs(IOpaqueAddress *pAddr, DataObject *pObj)
Resolve the references of the created transient object.
Definition: RootCnvSvc.cpp:494
T substr(T...args)
Gaudi::Property< int > m_basketSize
Definition: RootCnvSvc.h:67
StatusCode service(const std::string &name, const T *&psvc, bool createIf=true) const
Access a service by name, creating it if it doesn&#39;t already exist.
Definition: Service.h:85
MSG::Level level() const
Retrieve output level.
Definition: MsgStream.h:108
void reset(TYPE *ptr=nullptr)
Set the internal pointer to the passed one disposing of the old one.
Definition: SmartIF.h:92
Opaque address interface definition.
Base class for all conversion services.
Definition: ConversionSvc.h:45
#define S_FAIL
Definition: RootCnvSvc.cpp:39
void enableStatistics(const std::string &section)
Enable TTreePerStats.
A DataObject is the base class of any identifiable object on any data store.
Definition: DataObject.h:29
Concrete implementation of the IDataConnection interface to access ROOT files.
StatusCode finalize() override
stop the service.
SmartIF< ISvcLocator > & serviceLocator() const override
Retrieve pointer to service locator.
Definition: Service.cpp:292
Helper functions to set/get the application return code.
virtual StatusCode i__createRep(DataObject *pObj, IOpaqueAddress *&refpAddr)
Convert the transient object to the requested persistent representation.
Definition: RootCnvSvc.cpp:401
StatusCode initialize() override
Initialize the service.
MsgStream & endmsg(MsgStream &s)
MsgStream Modifier: endmsg. Calls the output method of the MsgStream.
Definition: MsgStream.h:209
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_incidentEnabled
Definition: RootCnvSvc.h:60
StatusCode connectOutput(const std::string &outputFile, const std::string &openMode) override
Connect the output file to the service with open mode.
Description: Definition of the ROOT data converter.
Definition: RootConverter.h:33
Gaudi::RootDataConnection * m_current
On writing: reference to active output stream.
Definition: RootCnvSvc.h:80
const string & CSTR
Definition: RootCnvSvc.cpp:36
TClass * getClass(DataObject *pObject)
Helper: Get TClass for a given DataObject pointer.
Definition: RootCnvSvc.cpp:174
TClass * m_classRefs
TClass pointer to reference class.
Definition: RootCnvSvc.h:82