StatusCode | initialize () override |
| DataSvc overrides: Initialize the service. More...
StatusCode | reinitialize () override |
| DataSvc overrides: reinitialize service. More...
StatusCode | finalize () override |
| DataSvc overrides: stop the service. More...
IConversionSvc * | getDataLoader (IRegistry *pReg) override |
| DataSvc overrides: Retrieve data loader. More...
NTuple::Directory * | createDirectory (DataObject *pParent, const std::string &title) override |
| Create Ntuple directory and register it with the data store. More...
NTuple::Directory * | createDirectory (DataObject *pParent, long id) override |
| Create Ntuple directory and register it with the data store. More...
NTuple::Directory * | createDirectory (const std::string &dirPath, long id) override |
| Create Ntuple directory and register it with the data store. More...
NTuple::Directory * | createDirectory (const std::string &dirPath, const std::string &title) override |
| Create Ntuple directory and register it with the data store. More...
NTuple::Directory * | createDirectory (const std::string &fullPath) override |
| Create Ntuple directory and register it with the data store. More...
StatusCode | create (const CLID &typ, const std::string &title, NTuple::Tuple *&refpTuple) override |
| Create requested N tuple (Hide constructor) More...
NTuple::Tuple * | book (const std::string &fullPath, const CLID &type, const std::string &title) override |
| Book Ntuple and register it with the data store. More...
NTuple::Tuple * | book (const std::string &dirPath, const std::string &relPath, const CLID &type, const std::string &title) override |
| Book Ntuple and register it with the data store. More...
NTuple::Tuple * | book (const std::string &dirPath, long id, const CLID &type, const std::string &title) override |
| Book Ntuple and register it with the data store. More...
NTuple::Tuple * | book (DataObject *pParent, const std::string &relPath, const CLID &type, const std::string &title) override |
| Book Ntuple and register it with the data store. More...
NTuple::Tuple * | book (DataObject *pParent, long id, const CLID &type, const std::string &title) override |
| Book Ntuple and register it with the data store. More...
NTuple::Tuple * | access (const std::string &fullPath, const std::string &filename) override |
| Access N tuple on disk. More...
StatusCode | save (const std::string &fullPath) override |
| Save N tuple to disk. Must be called in order to close the ntuple file properly. More...
StatusCode | save (NTuple::Tuple *tuple) override |
| Save N tuple to disk. Must be called in order to close the ntuple file properly. More...
StatusCode | save (DataObject *pParent, const std::string &relPath) override |
| Save N tuple to disk. Must be called in order to close the ntuple file properly. More...
StatusCode | writeRecord (NTuple::Tuple *tuple) override |
| Write single record to N tuple. More...
StatusCode | writeRecord (const std::string &fullPath) override |
| Write single record to N tuple. More...
StatusCode | writeRecord (DataObject *pParent, const std::string &relPath) override |
| Write single record to N tuple. More...
StatusCode | readRecord (NTuple::Tuple *tuple) override |
| Read single record from N tuple. More...
StatusCode | readRecord (const std::string &fullPath) override |
| Read single record from N tuple. More...
StatusCode | readRecord (DataObject *pParent, const std::string &relPath) override |
| Read single record from N tuple. More...
bool | isConnected (const std::string &identifier) const override |
| Check if a datasource is connected. More...
StatusCode | connect (const std::string &ident) override |
| Add file to list I/O list. More...
StatusCode | connect (const std::string &ident, std::string &logname) override |
| Add file to list I/O list. More...
StatusCode | disconnect (const std::string &nam) override |
| Close open connection. More...
StatusCode | disconnectAll () override |
| Close all open connections. More...
| NTupleSvc (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *svc) |
| Standard Constructor. More...
void * | i_cast (const InterfaceID &tid) const override |
| Implementation of IInterface::i_cast. More...
StatusCode | queryInterface (const InterfaceID &ti, void **pp) override |
| Implementation of IInterface::queryInterface. More...
std::vector< std::string > | getInterfaceNames () const override |
| Implementation of IInterface::getInterfaceNames. More...
CLID | rootCLID () const override |
| IDataManagerSvc: Accessor for root event CLID. More...
const std::string & | rootName () const override |
| IDataManagerSvc: Accessor for root event name. More...
StatusCode | registerAddress (boost::string_ref fullPath, IOpaqueAddress *pAddress) override |
| IDataManagerSvc: Register object address with the data store. More...
StatusCode | registerAddress (DataObject *parentObj, boost::string_ref objectPath, IOpaqueAddress *pAddress) override |
| IDataManagerSvc: Register object address with the data store. More...
StatusCode | registerAddress (IRegistry *parentObj, boost::string_ref objectPath, IOpaqueAddress *pAddress) override |
| IDataManagerSvc: Register object address with the data store. More...
StatusCode | unregisterAddress (boost::string_ref fullPath) override |
| IDataManagerSvc: Unregister object address from the data store. More...
StatusCode | unregisterAddress (DataObject *pParent, boost::string_ref objPath) override |
| IDataManagerSvc: Unregister object address from the data store. More...
StatusCode | unregisterAddress (IRegistry *pParent, boost::string_ref objPath) override |
| IDataManagerSvc: Unregister object address from the data store. More...
StatusCode | objectLeaves (const DataObject *pObject, std::vector< IRegistry * > &refLeaves) override |
| IDataManagerSvc: Explore the object store: retrieve all leaves attached to the object. More...
StatusCode | objectLeaves (const IRegistry *pRegistry, std::vector< IRegistry * > &refLeaves) override |
| IDataManagerSvc: Explore the object store: retrieve all leaves attached to the object. More...
StatusCode | objectParent (const DataObject *pObject, IRegistry *&refpParent) override |
| IDataManagerSvc: Explore the object store: retrieve the object's parent. More...
StatusCode | objectParent (const IRegistry *pRegistry, IRegistry *&refpParent) override |
| IDataManagerSvc: Explore the object store: retrieve the object's parent. More...
StatusCode | clearSubTree (boost::string_ref sub_tree_path) override |
| IDataManagerSvc: Remove all data objects below the sub tree identified by its full path name. More...
StatusCode | clearSubTree (DataObject *pObject) override |
| IDataManagerSvc: Remove all data objects below the sub tree identified by the object. More...
StatusCode | clearStore () override |
| IDataManagerSvc: Remove all data objects in the data store. More...
StatusCode | traverseSubTree (boost::string_ref sub_tree_path, IDataStoreAgent *pAgent) override |
| IDataManagerSvc: Analyze by traversing all data objects below the sub tree identified by its full path name. More...
StatusCode | traverseSubTree (DataObject *pObject, IDataStoreAgent *pAgent) override |
| IDataManagerSvc: Analyze by traversing all data objects below the sub tree. More...
StatusCode | traverseTree (IDataStoreAgent *pAgent) override |
| IDataManagerSvc: Analyze by traversing all data objects in the data store. More...
StatusCode | setRoot (std::string root_name, DataObject *pRootObj) override |
| Initialize data store for new event by giving new event path and root object. More...
virtual StatusCode | i_setRoot (std::string root_name, DataObject *pRootObj) |
| Initialize data store for new event by giving new event path and root object. More...
StatusCode | setRoot (std::string root_path, IOpaqueAddress *pRootAddr) override |
| Initialize data store for new event by giving new event path and address of root object. More...
virtual StatusCode | i_setRoot (std::string root_path, IOpaqueAddress *pRootAddr) |
| Initialize data store for new event by giving new event path and address of root object. More...
StatusCode | setDataLoader (IConversionSvc *svc, IDataProviderSvc *dpsvc=nullptr) override |
| IDataManagerSvc: IDataManagerSvc: Pass a default data loader to the service and optionally a data provider. More...
StatusCode | addPreLoadItem (const DataStoreItem &item) override |
| Add an item to the preload list. More...
StatusCode | addPreLoadItem (std::string itemPath) override |
| Add an item to the preload list. More...
StatusCode | removePreLoadItem (const DataStoreItem &item) override |
| Remove an item from the preload list. More...
StatusCode | removePreLoadItem (std::string itemPath) override |
| Add an item to the preload list. More...
StatusCode | resetPreLoad () override |
| Clear the preload list. More...
virtual StatusCode | preLoad (int depth, int load_depth, DataObject *pObject) |
| Execute one level of preloading and recursively load until the final level is reached. More...
StatusCode | preLoad () override |
| load all preload items of the list More...
StatusCode | registerObject (boost::string_ref fullPath, DataObject *pObject) override |
| Register object with the data store. More...
StatusCode | registerObject (boost::string_ref parentPath, boost::string_ref objPath, DataObject *pObject) override |
| Register object with the data store. More...
StatusCode | registerObject (boost::string_ref parentPath, int item, DataObject *pObject) override |
| Register object with the data store. More...
StatusCode | registerObject (DataObject *parentObj, boost::string_ref objPath, DataObject *pObject) override |
| Register object with the data store. More...
StatusCode | registerObject (DataObject *parentObj, int item, DataObject *pObject) override |
| Register object with the data store. More...
StatusCode | unregisterObject (boost::string_ref fullPath) override |
| Unregister object from the data store. More...
StatusCode | unregisterObject (boost::string_ref parentPath, boost::string_ref objectPath) override |
| Unregister object from the data store. More...
StatusCode | unregisterObject (boost::string_ref parentPath, int item) override |
| Unregister object from the data store. More...
StatusCode | unregisterObject (DataObject *pObject) override |
| Unregister object from the data store. More...
StatusCode | unregisterObject (DataObject *pObject, boost::string_ref objectPath) override |
| Unregister object from the data store. More...
StatusCode | unregisterObject (DataObject *pObject, int item) override |
| Unregister object from the data store. More...
StatusCode | retrieveObject (IRegistry *pDirectory, boost::string_ref path, DataObject *&pObject) override |
| Retrieve object from data store. More...
StatusCode | retrieveObject (boost::string_ref fullPath, DataObject *&pObject) override |
| Retrieve object identified by its full path from the data store. More...
StatusCode | retrieveObject (boost::string_ref parentPath, boost::string_ref objPath, DataObject *&pObject) override |
| Retrieve object from data store. More...
StatusCode | retrieveObject (boost::string_ref parentPath, int item, DataObject *&pObject) override |
| Retrieve object from data store. More...
StatusCode | retrieveObject (DataObject *parentObj, boost::string_ref objPath, DataObject *&pObject) override |
| Retrieve object from data store. More...
StatusCode | retrieveObject (DataObject *parentObj, int item, DataObject *&pObject) override |
| Retrieve object from data store. More...
StatusCode | findObject (boost::string_ref fullPath, DataObject *&pObject) override |
| Find object identified by its full path in the data store. More...
StatusCode | findObject (IRegistry *pDirectory, boost::string_ref path, DataObject *&pObject) override |
| Find object identified by its full path in the data store. More...
StatusCode | findObject (boost::string_ref parentPath, boost::string_ref objPath, DataObject *&pObject) override |
| Find object in the data store. More...
StatusCode | findObject (boost::string_ref parentPath, int item, DataObject *&pObject) override |
| Find object in the data store. More...
StatusCode | findObject (DataObject *parentObj, boost::string_ref objPath, DataObject *&pObject) override |
| Find object in the data store. More...
StatusCode | findObject (DataObject *parentObj, int item, DataObject *&pObject) override |
| Find object in the data store. More...
StatusCode | linkObject (IRegistry *from, boost::string_ref objPath, DataObject *to) override |
| Add a link to another object. More...
StatusCode | linkObject (boost::string_ref fromPath, boost::string_ref objPath, DataObject *to) override |
| Add a link to another object. More...
StatusCode | linkObject (DataObject *from, boost::string_ref objPath, DataObject *to) override |
| Add a link to another object. More...
StatusCode | linkObject (boost::string_ref fullPath, DataObject *to) override |
| Add a link to another object. More...
StatusCode | unlinkObject (IRegistry *from, boost::string_ref objPath) override |
| Remove a link to another object. More...
StatusCode | unlinkObject (boost::string_ref fromPath, boost::string_ref objPath) override |
| Remove a link to another object. More...
StatusCode | unlinkObject (DataObject *fromObj, boost::string_ref objPath) override |
| Remove a link to another object. More...
StatusCode | unlinkObject (boost::string_ref fullPath) override |
| Remove a link to another object. More...
StatusCode | updateObject (IRegistry *pDirectory) override |
| Update object identified by its directory entry. More...
StatusCode | updateObject (boost::string_ref updatePath) override |
| Update object. More...
StatusCode | updateObject (DataObject *toUpdate) override |
| Update object. More...
StatusCode | updateObject (boost::string_ref parentPath, boost::string_ref updatePath) override |
| Update object. More...
StatusCode | updateObject (DataObject *pParent, boost::string_ref updatePath) override |
| Update object. More...
StatusCode | initialize () override |
| Service initialization. More...
StatusCode | reinitialize () override |
| Service initialization. More...
StatusCode | finalize () override |
| Service initialization. More...
| ~DataSvc () override |
| Standard Destructor. More...
void * | i_cast (const InterfaceID &tid) const override |
| Implementation of IInterface::i_cast. More...
StatusCode | queryInterface (const InterfaceID &ti, void **pp) override |
| Implementation of IInterface::queryInterface. More...
std::vector< std::string > | getInterfaceNames () const override |
| Implementation of IInterface::getInterfaceNames. More...
const std::string & | name () const override |
| Retrieve name of the service. More...
StatusCode | configure () override |
StatusCode | initialize () override |
StatusCode | start () override |
StatusCode | stop () override |
StatusCode | finalize () override |
StatusCode | terminate () override |
Gaudi::StateMachine::State | FSMState () const override |
Gaudi::StateMachine::State | targetFSMState () const override |
StatusCode | reinitialize () override |
StatusCode | restart () override |
StatusCode | sysInitialize () override |
| Initialize Service. More...
StatusCode | sysStart () override |
| Initialize Service. More...
StatusCode | sysStop () override |
| Initialize Service. More...
StatusCode | sysFinalize () override |
| Finalize Service. More...
StatusCode | sysReinitialize () override |
| Re-initialize the Service. More...
StatusCode | sysRestart () override |
| Re-initialize the Service. More...
| Service (std::string name, ISvcLocator *svcloc) |
| Standard Constructor. More...
SmartIF< ISvcLocator > & | serviceLocator () const override |
| Retrieve pointer to service locator. More...
StatusCode | setProperties () |
| Method for setting declared properties to the values specified for the job. More...
template<class T > |
StatusCode | service (const std::string &name, const T *&psvc, bool createIf=true) const |
| Access a service by name, creating it if it doesn't already exist. More...
template<class T > |
StatusCode | service (const std::string &name, T *&psvc, bool createIf=true) const |
template<typename IFace = IService> |
SmartIF< IFace > | service (const std::string &name, bool createIf=true) const |
template<class T > |
StatusCode | service (const std::string &svcType, const std::string &svcName, T *&psvc) const |
| Access a service by name and type, creating it if it doesn't already exist. More...
template<class T > |
StatusCode | declareTool (ToolHandle< T > &handle, std::string toolTypeAndName, bool createIf=true) |
| Declare used tool. More...
SmartIF< IAuditorSvc > & | auditorSvc () const |
| The standard auditor service.May not be invoked before sysInitialize() has been invoked. More...
| PropertyHolder ()=default |
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & | declareProperty (Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase &prop) |
| Declare a property. More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * | declareProperty (const std::string &name, TYPE &value, const std::string &doc="none") |
| Helper to wrap a regular data member and use it as a regular property. More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * | declareProperty (const std::string &name, Gaudi::Property< TYPE, VERIFIER, HANDLERS > &prop, const std::string &doc="none") |
| Declare a PropertyBase instance setting name and documentation. More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * | declareRemoteProperty (const std::string &name, IProperty *rsvc, const std::string &rname="") |
| Declare a remote property. More...
StatusCode | setProperty (const Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase &p) override |
| set the property form another property More...
StatusCode | setProperty (const std::string &s) override |
| set the property from the formatted string More...
StatusCode | setProperty (const std::string &n, const std::string &v) override |
| set the property from name and the value More...
StatusCode | setProperty (const std::string &name, const TYPE &value) |
| set the property form the value More...
StatusCode | getProperty (Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase *p) const override |
| get the property More...
const Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & | getProperty (const std::string &name) const override |
| get the property by name More...
StatusCode | getProperty (const std::string &n, std::string &v) const override |
| convert the property to the string More...
const std::vector< Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * > & | getProperties () const override |
| get all properties More...
bool | hasProperty (const std::string &name) const override |
| Return true if we have a property with the given name. More...
| PropertyHolder (const PropertyHolder &)=delete |
PropertyHolder & | operator= (const PropertyHolder &)=delete |
MSG::Level | msgLevel () const |
| get the cached level (originally extracted from the embedded MsgStream) More...
bool | msgLevel (MSG::Level lvl) const |
| get the output level from the embedded MsgStream More...
MSG::Level | outputLevel () const |
| Backward compatibility function for getting the output level. More...
virtual | ~CommonMessagingBase ()=default |
| Virtual destructor. More...
const SmartIF< IMessageSvc > & | msgSvc () const |
| The standard message service. More...
MsgStream & | msgStream () const |
| Return an uninitialized MsgStream. More...
MsgStream & | msgStream (const MSG::Level level) const |
| Predefined configurable message stream for the efficient printouts. More...
MsgStream & | always () const |
| shortcut for the method msgStream(MSG::ALWAYS) More...
MsgStream & | fatal () const |
| shortcut for the method msgStream(MSG::FATAL) More...
MsgStream & | err () const |
| shortcut for the method msgStream(MSG::ERROR) More...
MsgStream & | error () const |
| shortcut for the method msgStream(MSG::ERROR) More...
MsgStream & | warning () const |
| shortcut for the method msgStream(MSG::WARNING) More...
MsgStream & | info () const |
| shortcut for the method msgStream(MSG::INFO) More...
MsgStream & | debug () const |
| shortcut for the method msgStream(MSG::DEBUG) More...
MsgStream & | verbose () const |
| shortcut for the method msgStream(MSG::VERBOSE) More...
MsgStream & | msg () const |
| shortcut for the method msgStream(MSG::INFO) More...