The Gaudi Framework  v30r3 (a5ef0a68)
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678910111213]
 CNTuple::_Accessor< TYP >Class acting as a smart pointer holding a N tuple entry
 CNTuple::_Accessor< _Array< TYP > >
 CNTuple::_Accessor< _Item< bool > >
 CNTuple::_Accessor< _Item< IOpaqueAddress * > >
 CNTuple::_Accessor< _Item< TYP > >
 CNTuple::_Accessor< _Item< VALUE > >
 CNTuple::_Accessor< _Matrix< TYP > >
 CGaudi::Utils::_GetType< TYPE >Helper structure to define the proper return type for "get"-functions
 CGaudi::Utils::_GetType< Gaudi::NamedRange_< CONTAINER > >Template specialization for "named ranges"
 CGaudi::Utils::_GetType< Gaudi::Range_< CONTAINER > >Template specialization for "ranges"
 CGaudi::Utils::_GetType< TYPE & >Template specialization for references
 CGaudi::Utils::_GetType< TYPE * >Template specialization for pointers
 CGaudiPython::_identityIt is here due to 'missing'(?) std::identity
 CKeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::_InsertReleaseInternal functor for insertion of objects
 CKeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::_RemoveReleaseInternal functor for insertion of objects
 CGaudi::Accumulators::Adder< Arithmetic, Atomicity >An Adder ValueHandler operator(a, b) means a += b
 CGaudi::Accumulators::Adder< unsigned long, Atomicity >
 CGaudi::Utils::Aida2ROOTAccessor to underlying ROOT-representation of transient histograms The actual code is imported from Bender project
 CAlgContexSvcSimple implementation of interface IAlgContextSvc for Algorithm Context Service
 CGaudi::Utils::AlgContextHelper "sentry" class to automatize the safe register/unregister the algorithm's context
 CGaudi::Utils::AlgSelectorSimple interface class for selection of algorithms
 CAlgsExecutionStatesThe AlgsExecutionStates encodes the state machine for the execution of algorithms within a single event
 CGaudiUtils::Allocator< Type >Allocator
 CGaudiUtils::AllocatorPoolAllocator pool
 CAIDA::Annotation::AnnotationItemInternal private annotation item class
 CGaudi::meta::detail::append1< List, I >
 CGaudi::meta::detail::appendN< typename, typename >
 CGaudi::meta::detail::appendN< interface_list< Is... >, append1< List, I >::type >
 Cdetails::arg_helper< lambda >
 Cdetails::arg_helper< Ret(T::*)(Arg) const >
 CNTuple::Array< IOpaqueAddress * >
 CGaudi::Utils::AttribStringParser::AttribSimple class to wrap tag/value pairs
 CGaudi::Utils::AttribStringParserParse attribute strings allowing iteration over the various attributes
 Cboost::spirit::repository::qi::iter_pos_parser::attribute< Context, Iterator >
 CGaudi::Guards::AuditorGuardIt is a simple guard, which "locks" the scope for the Auditor Service is am exception-safe way
 CGaudi::Functional::Traits::BaseClass_t< Base >
 CBaseObjectMemberFunctionBase class of ObjectMemberFunction
 CBasePtrSetterBase class to set the pointer to an object of a class derived from DataObject in a generic way
 CGaudi::Accumulators::BaseValueHandler< Arithmetic, Atomicity >Base type for all functors used as ValuesHandler
 CGaudi::Accumulators::BaseValueHandler< Arithmetic, atomicity::full >BaseValueHandler specialization in the case of atomicity full
 CGaudi::Accumulators::BaseValueHandler< Arithmetic, atomicity::none >BaseValueHandler specialization in the case of atomicity none
 CGaudiTest.BasicOutputValidatorOutput Validation Classes
 CGaudi::Details::Property::BoundedVerifier< TYPE >
 CROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< T >
 CStatusCode::CategoryThe category assigned to a StatusCode
 CGaudi::Utils::CheckData< TYPE >Helper structure for implementation of "exists"-functions for GaudiCommon<BASE>
 CGaudi::Utils::CheckData< Gaudi::Range_< std::vector< const TYPE * > > >Template specialization for ranges
 CChronoA small utility class for chronometry of user codes
 CChronoEntitySmall helper class for implementation of ChronoStatSvc service, It also could be used as some local timer
 CConcurrencyFlagsProvides information about the level of concurrency of the currently executing job
 CConst_int_t< n >
 CConst_uint_t< n >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::Constant< N >An functor always returning the value N
 CLockedHandle< T, MutexType >::ConstGuard
 CGaudi::Functional::Consumer< Signature, Traits_ >
 CStreamBuffer::ContainedLinkDefinition of the contained link set
 CContainedObjectAll classes that their objects may be contained in an LHCb ObjectContainer (e.g
 CGaudi::details::container< CONTAINER >Helper structure to get container type
 CGaudi::RootDataConnection::ContainerSectionInternal helper class, which described a TBranch section in a ROOT file
 CGaudi::Hive::ContextSpecificData< T >Implementation of a context specific storage accessible as a sort of smart reference class
 CGaudi::Hive::ContextSpecificData< int >
 CGaudi::Hive::ContextSpecificPtr< T >Simple implementation of a smart pointer with different values for different event contexts (slots)
 CGaudi::Hive::ContextSpecificPtr< int >
 CIgHookTrace::CounterNearly dummy object type to identify a counter
 CGaudiToolLocal::CounterSimple local counter
 CIgHookTrace::CounterValueValue for a counter chained from a trace
 CGaudi::Functional::details::DataHandleMixin< OutputSpec, InputSpec, Traits_ >
 CGaudi::Functional::details::DataHandleMixin< std::tuple< Out >, std::tuple< In... >, Traits_ >
 CGaudi::Functional::details::DataHandleMixin< std::tuple< Out >, void, Traits_ >
 CGaudi::Functional::details::DataHandleMixin< void, details::filter_evtcontext< In... >, Traits_ >
 CDataIncidentData service incident class
 CStreamBuffer::DataIOA small base class to handle generic data streaming
 CNTuple::DataItem< TYP >
 CDataObjectA DataObject is the base class of any identifiable object on any data store
 CDataStoreItemDescription of the DataStoreItem class
 CDataTypeInfoSmall class which allows access to internal type IDs
 CGaudi::PluginService::v2::DeclareFactory< T, F >Helper to declare the factory implementation for a user defined type T
 CDecoratorSimple class with allows to "decorate" the python algorithm with 'basic' funtionality from class GaudiAlgorithm
 CGaudi::Details::Property::DefaultStringConverterImpl< TYPE >
 CGaudi::cpp17::details::detector< Default, AlwaysVoid, Op, Args >Implementation of the detection idiom (negative case)
 CGaudi::cpp17::details::detector< Default, void_t< Op< Args... > >, Op, Args... >Implementation of the detection idiom (positive case)
 CDirSearchPathSearch for files in a list of directories
 CROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem, Tag >
 CTuples::detail::ErrorHandler< OBJECT, FUNCTION >Concrete error handlers for dealing with classes, which supports member functions Error,Warning and Print ( e.g
 CEventContextThis class represents an entry point to all the event specific data
 CEventContextHashHash from EventContext so EvenContexts can be used as keys in unordered maps
 CEventIDBaseThis class provides a unique identification for each event, in terms of run/event number and/or a time stamp
 CEventIDRangeEvent ID Range object
 CEventIterator< TYPE >
 CEventSlotClass representing the event slot
 Cstd::exception [external]STL class
 CGaudi::Guards::ExceptionGuardThe most simple guard - it execute the certain code withing typical "try {} catch" clause, used in Auditor, Algorithm, AlgTool, etc
 CGaudi::Accumulators::Extremum< Arithmetic, Atomicity, Compare, Initial >An Extremum ValueHandler, to be reused for Minimum and Maximum operator(a, b) means if (Compare(b,a)) a = b In case of full atomicity, compare_exchange_weak is used
 CGaudi::Accumulators::Extremum< Arithmetic, Atomicity >
 CGaudi::PluginService::v1::Details::Factory< T >Class providing default factory functions
 CGaudi::PluginService::v1::Factory< R, Args >Class wrapping the signature for a factory with any number of arguments
 CGaudi::PluginService::v2::Factory< R(Args...)>Class wrapping the signature for a factory with any number of arguments
 Cstd::false_type [external]
 CGaudi::Accumulators::FalseTo1Helper functor for the FalseAccumulator
 CGaudi::Functional::details::filter_evtcontext_t< In >
 CGaudi::Functional::details::filter_evtcontext_t< EventContext, In... >
 CGaudi::Functional::FilterPredicate< T, Traits_ >
 Cfinal_action< F >
 CContainers::find< CONT >
 CFindByMassRangeIParticlePropertySvc::value_type is a typedef that defines the internal service storage type that is returned when an iterator is dereferenced
 CGaudi::Parsers::PairGrammar< Iterator, PairT, Skipper >::first
 CGaudi::Parsers::KeyValueGrammar< Iterator, Skipper >::first
 CGaudiThis is a number of static methods for bootstrapping the Gaudi framework
 CGaudiGSLHelper class to get (static) access to Gaudi GSL Service General users are not supposed to use it
 CRndm::Generator< TYPE >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::GenericAccumulator< InputType, InnerType, Atomicity, InputTransform, OutputTransform, ValueHandler >Generic Accumulator, templated by
 CGaudi::Accumulators::GenericAccumulator< Arithmetic, Arithmetic, Atomicity, Identity >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::GenericAccumulator< Arithmetic, Arithmetic, Atomicity, Identity, Identity, Maximum< Arithmetic, Atomicity > >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::GenericAccumulator< Arithmetic, Arithmetic, Atomicity, Identity, Identity, Minimum< Arithmetic, Atomicity > >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::GenericAccumulator< Arithmetic, Arithmetic, Atomicity, Square >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::GenericAccumulator< Arithmetic, unsigned long, Atomicity, Constant< 1 > >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::GenericAccumulator< Arithmetic, unsigned long, Atomicity, FalseTo1 >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::GenericAccumulator< Arithmetic, unsigned long, Atomicity, TrueTo1 >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::GenericAccumulator< bool, unsigned long, Atomicity, TrueTo1 >
 CGaudiUtils::GenericHash< T >Generic hash implementation (for easy migration to the new Hash class)
 CGaudi::Functional::details::details2::get_from_handle< In >
 CGaudi::Utils::GetData< TYPE >Helper structure for implementation of "get"-functions for GaudiCommon<BASE>
 CGaudi::Utils::GetData< Gaudi::Gaudi::Range_< std::vector< const TYPE * > > >
 CGaudi::Utils::GetData< Gaudi::NamedRange_< std::vector< const TYPE * > > >Template specialization for named ranges
 CGaudi::Utils::GetData< Gaudi::Range_< std::vector< const TYPE * > > >Template specialization for ranges
 CGaudi::Utils::GetData< Range >
 CGaudi::Utils::GetOrCreateData< TYPE, TYPE2 >Helper structure for implementation of "getOrCreate"-functions for GaudiCommon<BASE>
 CGaudi::Utils::GetOrCreateData< Gaudi::NamedRange_< std::vector< const TYPE * > >, TYPE2 >
 CGaudi::Utils::GetOrCreateData< Gaudi::Range_< std::vector< const TYPE * > >, TYPE2 >
 CGaudi::Utils::GetOrCreateData< Range_, TYPE2 >
 CTHistSvc::GlobalDirectoryRestoreHelper class that manages ROOts global directory and file
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, T, Skipper, Enable >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KeyT, ValueT, KeyCompareT, AllocatorT >, Skipper >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, HeadT, Gaudi::Parsers::SkipperGrammar >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, HeadT, Skipper >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< T1, T2 >, Skipper >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, ROOT::Math::LorentzVector< T1 >, Skipper >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< T1, T2 >, Skipper >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, Scalar, Gaudi::Parsers::SkipperGrammar >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, ScalarT, Gaudi::Parsers::SkipperGrammar >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, std::list< InnerT, AllocatorT >, Skipper >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, std::map< KeyT, ValueT, KeyCompareT, AllocatorT >, Skipper >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, std::pair< KeyT, ValueT >, Skipper >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, std::pair< std::string, std::string >, Gaudi::Parsers::SkipperGrammar >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, std::pair< unsigned int, std::string >, Gaudi::Parsers::SkipperGrammar >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, std::set< InnerT, CompareT, AllocatorT >, Skipper >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, std::string, Gaudi::Parsers::SkipperGrammar >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, std::tuple< Args... >, Skipper >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, std::unordered_map< KeyT, ValueT, HashT, KeyCompareT, AllocatorT >, Skipper >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, std::unordered_set< InnerT, HashT, CompareT, AllocatorT >, Skipper >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, std::vector< InnerT, AllocatorT >, Skipper >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, T, Skipper, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_floating_point< T > >::type >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, T, Skipper, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_integral< T > >::type >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, typename MapT::key_type, Gaudi::Parsers::SkipperGrammar >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, typename MapT::mapped_type, Gaudi::Parsers::SkipperGrammar >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, typename PairT::first_type, Gaudi::Parsers::SkipperGrammar >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, typename PairT::second_type, Gaudi::Parsers::SkipperGrammar >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, typename std::tuple_element< 0, ResultT >::type, Gaudi::Parsers::SkipperGrammar >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, typename std::vector< double >::value_type, Gaudi::Parsers::SkipperGrammar >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, typename std::vector< double >::value_type, Skipper >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, typename std::vector< std::pair< double, double > >::value_type, Gaudi::Parsers::SkipperGrammar >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, typename VectorT::value_type, Skipper >
 CGenfun::GaudiMathImplementation::GSL_HelperSimple structure to be used for adaption interface Genfun::AbsFunction to gsl_function structure
 CGslErrorHelper class to represent GSL errors
 CLockedHandle< T, MutexType >::Guard
 CGaudiUtils::Hash< T >Simple hash function
 CGaudiUtils::Hash< const T(&)[N]>Generic specialization for arrays
 Cstd::hash< Gaudi::StringKey >Specialization of hash function used in C++11 collections like std::unordered_map
 CGaudiUtils::Hash< T * >Partial specialization for pointers
 CGaudiUtils::Hash< T(&)[N]>Generic specialization for arrays
 CGaudi::Histo1DDefSimple helper class for description of 1D-histogram The class is targeted to act as the primary "histogram property", but clearly have significantly wider application range
 CGaudiPython::HistoDecoratorSimple decorator class to allow to reuse the functionality of GaudiHistos<TYPE> class in pythin
 CGaudi::HistogramBaseCommon base class for all histograms Use is solely functional to minimize dynamic_casts inside HistogramSvc
 CGaudi::Utils::HistoStatsThe collection of trivial functions to access the statistical information for the histograms
 CGaudi::Utils::Histos::HistoStringsHelper class to produce "good" dictionaries
 CIAlgTaskGeneral interface for a wrapper around Gaudi algorithm
 CIClassInfoData base class allowing to store persistent type information
 CGaudiAlg::IDID class for Histogram and Ntuples
 CGaudi::meta::id_< T >
 CGaudi::meta::id_< State >
 CGaudi::meta::id_< std::conditional< std::is_base_of< id_< I >, inherit_from< id_< Is >... > >::value, interface_list< Is... >, interface_list< Is..., I > >::type >
 CGaudiTuples< PBASE >::id_t
 CGaudi::IDataConnectionABC describing basic data connection
 CIDataStoreAgentGeneric data agent interface
 CStreamBuffer::IdentifiedLinkDefinition of the contained link set
 CGaudi::Accumulators::IdentityAn Identity functor
 CGaudi::iid_cast_details::iid_cast_t< Is >
 CGaudi::iid_cast_details::iid_cast_t< I, Is... >
 CIInspectableInterface definition of an inspectable object
 CIInterfaceDefinition of the basic interface
 CIncidentBase class for all Incidents (computing events)
 CGaudi::Functional::Traits::InputHandle_t< Handle >
 CIntegrationCollection of common types for classes NumericalIndefiniteIntegral and NumericalDefiniteIntegral
 CGaudiPython::Interface< TYPE >Minor mofidication of original Pere's structure GaudiPython::Interface This helper class is nesessary to perform C++ castings from python
 CGaudiPython::Interface< IInterface >
 CGaudi::interface_list< I >
 CGaudi::interface_list_append< I >
 CGaudi::interface_list_cat< I >
 CGaudi::interface_list_cat< interface_list< I1..., I2... >, Others... >
 CGaudi::interface_list_cat< interface_list< Is... >, interface_list< I > >
 CInterfaceIDInterface ID class
 CGaudi::InterfaceId< INTERFACE, majVers, minVers >Class to handle automatically the versioning of the interfaces when they are inheriting from other interfaces
 CINTupleNTuple interface class definition
 CINTupleItemNTuple interface class definition
 CSystem::IO_COUNTERSProcess I/O Counters NtQueryInformationProcess using ProcessIoCounters
 CIOpaqueAddressOpaque address interface definition
 CIRegistryThe IRegistry represents the entry door to the environment any data object residing in a transient data store is embedded
 CTuples::ItemStore< VALUE >Simple class, which represents the local storage of N-tuple items of the given type
 CGaudi::Functional::details::vector_of_const_< Container >::iterator
 Cstd::iterator< std::forward_iterator_tag, uint > [external]
 Cstd::iterator< std::input_iterator_tag, Attrib > [external]
 CIUpdateableObject update interface definition
 CIUpdateableInterfaceComponent interface counterpart to the above ABC
 CIValidityInterface for objects with a validity
 CIVersHistoryObjInterface for Versioned History Objects
 CSystem::KERNEL_USER_TIMESProcess/Thread System and User Time NtQueryInformationProcess using ProcessTimes NtQueryInformationThread using ThreadTimes
 CContainers::key_traits< KEY >Key traits class
 CContainers::key_traits< DATATYPE::key_type >
 CGaudiDict::KeyedContainerDict< T >
 CGaudiDict::KeyedObjectDict< T >
 CContainers::KeyedObjectManager< SETUP >KeyedObjectManager Class to manage keyed objects
 CLinkManager::LinkEmbedded class defining a symbolic link Note: No copy constructor; bitwise copy (done by the compiler) is just fine
 CLinkManagerA LinkManager is the object aggregated into a DataObject, which is responsible for the handling of non-tree like links
 CGaudi::Utils::LockedChronoHelper object, useful for measurement of CPU-performance of highly-recursive structures, e.g
 CLockedHandle< T, MutexType >Provides automatic lock/unlock access to a class upon deref of ptr
 CGaudi::PluginService::v1::Details::LoggerSimple logging class, just to provide a default implementation
 Cboost::spirit::qi::make_primitive< repository::qi::tag::iter_pos, Modifiers >
 CGaudi::Utils::MapBaseHelper base-class to allow the generic Python-decoration for all "map-like" classes in Gaudi
 CNTuple::Matrix< IOpaqueAddress * >
 CGaudi::Functional::MergingTransformer< Signature, Traits_ >
 CMessageThe Message class
 CMessageSvc::MsgAryPrivate helper class to keep the count of messages of a type (MSG::LEVEL)
 CMsgStreamDefinition of the MsgStream class used to transmit messages
 CGaudi::Functional::MultiScalarTransformer< ScalarOp, TransformerSignature, Traits_ >
 CGaudi::Functional::MultiTransformer< Signature, Traits_ >
 CGaudi::Functional::MultiTransformerFilter< Signature, Traits_ >
 CNamedRangeNew concept of "named" range : range with name
 CDataOnDemandSvc::NodeHelper class of the DataOnDemandSvc
 CNTupleItemsNTupleItems namespace parts definition This header file is not intended to be included by the public! It's only used for the ntuple service
 CGaudiTuples< PBASE >::nTupleMapItem
 CRndm::NumbersRandom number accessor This small class encapsulates the use of the random number generator
 CSmartDataObjectPtr::ObjectFinderHelper class to configure smart pointer functionality
 CSmartDataObjectPtr::ObjectLoaderHelper class to configure smart pointer functionality
 CIToolSvc::ObserverAllow call-backs when a tool is a created or retrieved
 CGaudi::Parsers::TupleInnerGrammar< Iterator, TupleT, N, Skipper >::Operations
 CGaudi::Parsers::MapGrammar< Iterator, MapT, Skipper >::Operations
 CGaudi::Parsers::TupleInnerGrammar< Iterator, TupleT, 1, Skipper >::Operations
 CGaudi::Parsers::DataObjIDGrammar< Iterator, Skipper >::Operations
 CGaudi::Parsers::Pnt3DGrammar< Iterator, PointT, Skipper >::Operations
 CGaudi::Parsers::Histo1DGrammar< Iterator, Skipper >::Operations
 CGaudi::Parsers::Pnt4DGrammar< Iterator, PointT, Skipper >::Operations
 CGaudiTuples< PBASE >::order_t
 CGaudi::Functional::Traits::OutputHandle_t< Handle >
 CReplayOutputStream::OutStreamAdderHelper class to fill the internal map of OutputStreams
 CReplayOutputStream::OutStreamTriggerHelper class to call the required OutputStream
 CGaudi::details::overloaded_t< lambda_ts >
 CGaudi::details::overloaded_t< more_lambda_ts... >
 CParticlePropertyA trivial class to hold information about a single particle properties
 Cdetails::Payload_helper< T >
 Cdetails::Payload_helper< Gaudi::Range_< T > >
 CPoolDbLinkManagerDescription: PoolDbLinkManager class implementation definition
 CSystem::POOLED_USAGE_AND_LIMITSProcess Pooled Quota Usage and Limits NtQueryInformationProcess using ProcessPooledUsageAndLimits
 CROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< CoordSystem, Tag >
 CGaudiAlg::PrintCollection of useful utilities to print IHistogram1D (currently used for implementation of class GaudiHistoAlg and class GaudiHistoTool)
 CGaudiAlg::Print1DCollection of useful utilities to print IHistogram1D (currently used for implementation of class GaudiHistoAlg and class GaudiHistoTool)
 CGaudiAlg::Print1DProfCollection of useful utilities to print IProfile1D (currently used for implementation of class GaudiHistoAlg and class GaudiHistoTool)
 CGaudiAlg::Print2DCollection of useful utilities to print IHistogram1D (currently used for implementation of class GaudiHistoAlg and class GaudiHistoTool)
 CGaudiAlg::Print2DProfCollection of useful utilities to print IProfile2D (currently used for implementation of class GaudiHistoAlg and class GaudiHistoTool)
 CGaudiAlg::Print3DCollection of useful utilities to print IHistogram1D (currently used for implementation of class GaudiHistoAlg and class GaudiHistoTool)
 CGaudi::Accumulators::PrintableCounterAn empty ancester of all counters that knows how to print themselves
 CGaudiPython::Printer< TYPE >
 CGaudiPython::Printer< ContainedObject >
 CGaudiPython::Printer< DataObject >
 CGaudiAlg::PrintStatCollection of useful utilities to print StatEntity (currently used for implementation of class GaudiAlgorithm and class GaudiTool)
 CGaudiAlg::PrintTupleCollection of useful utilities to print INTuple object (currently used for implementation of class GaudiTupleAlg and class GaudiTupleTool)
 CSystem::ProcessDescriptorProvides access to process information
 CSystem::ProcessTimeSimple class to hold the time information of a process
 CGaudi::Functional::Producer< Signature, Traits_ >
 CGaudi::Details::PropertyBasePropertyBase base class allowing PropertyBase* collections to be "homogeneous"
 CPropertyMgrProperty manager helper class
 CDataOnDemandSvc::ProtectionHelper class of the DataOnDemandSvc
 CIUpdateManagerSvc::PythonHelperHelper class implemented in the python dictionary to allow access from python to template member functions
 CSystem::QUOTA_LIMITSProcess Quotas NtQueryInformationProcess using ProcessQuotaLimits NtQueryInformationProcess using ProcessPooledQuotaLimits NtSetInformationProcess using ProcessQuotaLimits
 CNTuple::Range< TYP >Class defining a range
 CNTuple::Range< bool >
 CGaudi::RangeBase_Helper class to simplify the dealing with ranges in Python
 CGaudiUtils::Allocator< Type >::rebind< U >
 CRecoSchedulerSvcBasic event loop and scheduler for fast HLT reconstruction
 CGaudi::PluginService::v1::Details::RegistryIn-memory database of the loaded factories
 CGaudi::Functional::details::details2::remove_optional< T >
 CGaudi::Functional::details::details2::remove_optional< boost::optional< T > >
 CRetCodeGuardHelper class to set the application return code in case of early exit (e.g
 Cdetails::reverse_wrapper< Iterable >
 CRootHistCnv::RootCompressionSettingsSimple class to decode a ROOT compression settings string, of the form '<Alg>:<level>' into the integer code to pass to ROOT
 CRootConnectionSetClass describing the setup parameters of a ROOT data connection
 CGaudi::RootObjectRefsPersistent reference object containing all leafs and links corresponding to a Gaudi DataObject
 CGaudi::RootRefPersistent reference object
 CGaudi::Functional::ScalarTransformer< ScalarOp, TransformerSignature, Traits_ >
 CStatusCode::ScopedDisableCheckingSimple RAII class to ignore unchecked StatusCode instances in a scope
 CGaudi::Parsers::KeyValueGrammar< Iterator, Skipper >::second
 CGaudi::Parsers::PairGrammar< Iterator, PairT, Skipper >::second
 CGaudi::SerialTaskQueueClass for a generic serial queue of tasks (modeled on the Intel Threading Building Blocks Design Pattern "Local Serializer")
 CGaudi::SerialTaskQueue::SerialWorkItemWrapper for the WorkItem class for internal concurrency bookkeeping
 CServiceLocatorHelperHelper to share the implementation of service() among the various kernel base classes
 CSmartDataObjectPtrA small class used to access easily (and efficiently) data items residing in data stores
 CSmartIF< TYPE >Small smart pointer class with automatic reference counting for IInterface
 CSmartIF< DLLClassManager >
 CSmartIF< Gaudi::Gaudi::IIODataManager >
 CSmartIF< Gaudi::Gaudi::ISignalMonitor >
 CSmartIF< Gaudi::IFileCatalog >
 CSmartIF< IAccelerator >
 CSmartIF< IAddressCreator >
 CSmartIF< IAlgContextSvc >
 CSmartIF< IAlgExecStateSvc >
 CSmartIF< IAlgManager >
 CSmartIF< IAlgorithm >
 CSmartIF< IAlgResourcePool >
 CSmartIF< IAppMgrUI >
 CSmartIF< IAuditor >
 CSmartIF< IAuditorSvc >
 CSmartIF< IChronoStatSvc >
 CSmartIF< IComponentManager >
 CSmartIF< ICondSvc >
 CSmartIF< IConversionSvc >
 CSmartIF< ICounterSummarySvc >
 CSmartIF< IDataManagerSvc >
 CSmartIF< IDataProviderSvc >
 CSmartIF< IEventProcessor >
 CSmartIF< IEvtSelector >
 CSmartIF< IExceptionSvc >
 CSmartIF< IFileAccess >
 CSmartIF< IHistogramSvc >
 CSmartIF< IHiveWhiteBoard >
 CSmartIF< IIncidentListener >
 CSmartIF< IIncidentSvc >
 CSmartIF< IInterface >
 CSmartIF< IJobOptionsSvc >
 CSmartIF< IMessageSvc >
 CSmartIF< IMonitorSvc >
 CSmartIF< INamedInterface >
 CSmartIF< INTupleSvc >
 CSmartIF< IPartitionControl >
 CSmartIF< IPrecedenceSvc >
 CSmartIF< IProperty >
 CSmartIF< IRndmEngine >
 CSmartIF< IRndmGen >
 CSmartIF< IRndmGenSvc >
 CSmartIF< IRunable >
 CSmartIF< IScheduler >
 CSmartIF< ISelectStatement >
 CSmartIF< ISerialize >
 CSmartIF< IService >
 CSmartIF< IStateful >
 CSmartIF< IStatSvc >
 CSmartIF< ISvcLocator >
 CSmartIF< ISvcManager >
 CSmartIF< IThreadPoolSvc >
 CSmartIF< ITimelineSvc >
 CSmartIF< IToolSvc >
 CSmartRef< TYPE >Kernel objects: SmartRef
 CSmartRef< ContainedObject >
 CSmartRef< DataObject >
 CSmartRefArray< TYPE >
 CSmartRefBaseUser example objects: SmartRefBase
 CSmartRefList< TYPE >
 CSmartRefMap< TYPE >
 CGaudi::Functional::SplittingTransformer< Signature, Traits_ >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::SquareA Square functor
 CStatSmall wrapper class for easy manipulation with generic counters and IStatSvc interface
 CStatic_error_check< bool >
 CStatic_error_check< false >
 CStatusCodeThis class is used for returning status codes from appropriate routines
 CStreamBufferThe stream buffer is a small object collecting object data
 Cstd::stringbuf [external]
 CGaudi::Details::Property::StringConverter< DataObjIDColl >
 CGaudi::StringKeyThe helper class to represent the efficient "key" for access
 CGaudi::Details::Property::SwapCallHelper to disable a while triggering it, to avoid infinite recursion
 CGaudi::Utils::Histos::TableSimple class for the customizeble printout of the histogram tables
 CGaudi::Parsers::MapGrammar< Iterator, MapT, Skipper >::tag_key
 CGaudi::Parsers::MapGrammar< Iterator, MapT, Skipper >::tag_mapped
 CGaudi::tagged_bool_ns::tagged_bool< Tag >
 CMultiStoreSvc::tagROOTRoot type (address or object)
 CTBMessageSvcExtension to the standard MessageSvc that
 CGaudiTest.TemporaryEnvironmentUtility Classes
 CTHistSvc::THistIDHelper struct that bundles the histogram ID with a mutex, TFile and TObject*
 CGaudi::TimeBased on seal::Time
 CITimelineSvc::TimelineRecorderRAII helper to record timeline events
 CTimerForSequencerAuxiliary class
 CGaudi::TimeSpanBased on seal::TimeSpan
 CGaudiTuples< PBASE >::title_t
 CTuples::detail::to_< T >
 Cpool::TokenShadow class to mimik POOL tokens
 CGaudi::RootDataConnection::ToolHelper class to facilitate an abstraction layer for reading POOL style files with this package
 CToolHandleInfoGeneral info and helper functions for toolhandles and arrays
 CGaudi::Functional::Transformer< Signature, Traits_ >
 Cstd::true_type [external]
 CGaudi::Accumulators::TrueTo1Helper functor for the TrueAccumulator
 CTuples::TupleA simple wrapper class over standard Gaudi NTuple::Tuple facility
 CGaudi::Parsers::tuple_get_first_type< T >
 CGaudi::Parsers::tuple_get_first_type< std::tuple< T, Ts... > >
 CGaudi::Parsers::tuple_remove_first_type< T >
 CGaudi::Parsers::tuple_remove_first_type< std::tuple< T, Ts... > >
 CGaudiPython::TupleAlgDecoratorSimple class to perform the "decoration" of Tuples in Python/ROOT
 CTuples::TupleColumn< ITEM >Helper class which allows to extend the functionality of Tuple with possibility to use your own representation of complex objects
 CGaudiPython::TupleDecoratorSimple class which performs the decoration of the standard N-Tuple
 CTuples::TupleItem< ITEM >
 CTuples::TupleObjA simple wrapper class over standard Gaudi NTuple::Tuple facility
 CGaudi::Utils::TuplePrinter< Tuple, N >
 CGaudi::Utils::TuplePrinter< Tuple, 1 >
 CGaudiPython::TupleToolDecoratorSimple class to perform the "decoration" of Tuples in Python/ROOT
 CGaudi::Utils::TypeNameStringHelper class to parse a string of format "type/name"
 CUCharDbArrayShadow class to mimik POOL blobs
 Cstd::vector< SmartRef< TYPE > > [external]
 CContainers::vector< void * >
 CGaudi::Functional::details::vector_of_const_< Container >
 CSystem::VM_COUNTERSProcess Virtual Memory Counters NtQueryInformationProcess using ProcessVmCounters
 CGaudi::cpp17::details::void_t_<... >
 CWatchdogThreadSimple class for asynchronous check of time-out
 CGaudi::SerialTaskQueue::WorkItemBase class for the task to be executed by the serial queue