The Gaudi Framework  master (37c0b60a)
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678910]
 CNTuple::_Accessor< TYP >Class acting as a smart pointer holding a N tuple entry
 CNTuple::_Accessor< _Item< bool > >
 CNTuple::_Array< TYP >Abstract class describing a column-array in a N tuple
 CNTuple::_ArrayImp< TYP >Concrete class discribing a column-array in a N tuple
 CNTuple::_Data< TYP >Abstract class describing basic data in an Ntuple
 CNTuple::_DataImp< TYP >Concrete class discribing basic data items in an N tuple
 CKeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::_InsertReleaseInternal functor for insertion of objects
 CNTuple::_Item< TYP >Abstract class describing a column in a N tuple
 CNTuple::_Item< bool >
 CNTuple::_ItemImp< TYP >Concrete class discribing a column in a N tuple
 CNTuple::_Matrix< TYP >Abstract class describing a matrix column in a N tuple
 CNTuple::_MatrixImp< TYP >Concrete class discribing a matrix column in a N tuple
 CKeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::_RemoveReleaseInternal functor for insertion of objects
 CGaudi::Accumulators::Adder< Arithmetic, Atomicity >An Adder ValueHandler operator(a, b) means a += b
 CGaudi::Accumulators::Adder< unsigned long, Atomicity >
 Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > >
 CAvalancheSchedulerSvc::AlgQueueSortComparison operator to sort the queues
 CGaudiUtils::Allocator< Type >
 CAIDA::Annotation::AnnotationItemInternal private annotation item class
 CGaudi::meta::detail::append1< List, I >
 CGaudi::meta::detail::appendN< typename, typename >
 CGaudi::meta::detail::appendN< interface_list< Is... >, append1< List, I >::type >
 CGaudi::Allocator::Arena< Resource, T, DefaultResource >Custom allocator holding a pointer to a generic memory resource
 Cdetails::arg_helper< lambda >
 Cdetails::arg_helper< Ret(T::*)(Arg) const >
 CNTuple::Array< TYP >Class acting as a smart pointer holding a N tuple _Item
 Cstd::array< Counter, N > [external]
 CNTuple::Array< float >
 CNTuple::Array< IOpaqueAddress * >
 CNTuple::Array< long >
 Cstd::array< std::atomic< Arithmetic >, NSUMS(ND)> [external]
 CGaudi::Utils::AttribStringParser::AttribSimple class to wrap tag/value pairs
 CGaudi::Utils::AttribStringParserParse attribute strings allowing iteration over the various attributes
 CGaudi::Accumulators::Axis< Arithmetic >Definition of a default type of Histogram Axis It contains number of bins, min and max value plus a title and defines the basic type of Axis (non log) It may also contain labels for the bins
 CGaudi::Histograming::Sink::details::AxisSmall helper struct representing the Axis of an Histogram
 CGaudi::Functional::Traits::BaseClass_t< Base >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::BaseValueHandler< Arithmetic, Atomicity >Base type for all functors used as ValuesHandler
 CGaudi::Accumulators::BaseValueHandler< Arithmetic, atomicity::full >BaseValueHandler specialization in the case of atomicity full
 CGaudi::Accumulators::BaseValueHandler< Arithmetic, atomicity::none >BaseValueHandler specialization in the case of atomicity none
 CGaudi::Accumulators::BinomialAccumulator< Atomicity, Arithmetic >::binomial_t
 CGaudi::Details::Property::BoundedVerifier< TYPE >
 CGaudi::Interface::Bind::Box< IFace >
 CGaudi::details::BranchWrapperEncapsulates a branch within a ROOT TTree, managing the data and interaction with the TTree
 CROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< T >
 CColorMgsAlgorithm to test the color setting options of MsgService
 CCommonMessaging< BASE >
 CCommonMessaging< implements< IAlgorithm, IDataHandleHolder, IProperty, IStateful > >
 CCommonMessaging< implements< IAlgTool, IDataHandleHolder, IProperty, IStateful > >
 CCommonMessaging< implements< IAppMgrUI, Gaudi::Interfaces::IQueueingEventProcessor, IService, IStateful, INamedInterface, IProperty > >
 CCommonMessaging< implements< IAuditor, IProperty > >
 CCommonMessaging< implements< IComponentManager > >
 CCommonMessaging< implements< IService, IProperty, IStateful > >
 CCommonMessaging< IPrecedenceRulesGraph >
 Cconcurrency::CompareNodes< T >
 CGaudi::TestSuite::Conditions::ConditionAccessorHolder< Base >::ConditionAccessor< T >Class wrapping the communication between condition users and conditions backend
 CGaudi::TestSuite::Conditions::details::ConditionsStoreExample class to implement an actual backend for Gaudi::TestSuite::Conditions::ConditionAccessorHolder
 CConst_int_t< n >
 CConst_uint_t< n >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::Constant< T, N >A functor always returning the value N
 CLockedHandle< T, MutexType >::ConstGuard
 CGaudi::Accumulators::construct_empty_tConstant used to disambiguate construction of an empty Accumulator versus the copy constructor
 CGaudi::Functional::details::Consumer< Signature, Traits_, isLegacy >
 CStreamBuffer::ContainedLinkDefinition of the contained link set
 CGaudi::details::container< CONTAINER >Helper structure to get container type
 CGaudi::Hive::ContextSpecificData< T >Implementation of a context specific storage accessible as a sort of smart reference class
 CGaudi::Hive::ContextSpecificData< int >
 CGaudi::Hive::ContextSpecificPtr< T >Simple implementation of a smart pointer with different values for different event contexts (slots)
 CGaudi::Hive::ContextSpecificPtr< int >
 CIgHookTrace::CounterNearly dummy object type to identify a counter
 CIgHookTrace::CounterValueValue for a counter chained from a trace
 CGaudi::Functional::details::DataHandleMixin< OutputSpec, InputSpec, Traits_ >
 CGaudi::Functional::details::DataHandleMixin< std::tuple< Out >, std::tuple<>, Traits_ >
 CGaudi::Functional::details::DataHandleMixin< std::tuple< Outs... >, std::tuple<>, Traits_ >
 CGaudi::Functional::details::DataHandleMixin< std::tuple<>, filter_evtcontext< In... >, Traits_ >
 CStreamBuffer::DataIOA small base class to handle generic data streaming
 CNTuple::DataItem< TYP >
 CDataObjectHandle< T >DataObjectHandle.h GaudiKernel/DataObjectHandle.h
 CDataObjectHandle< DataObject >
 CGaudi::PluginService::v2::DeclareFactory< T, F >Helper to declare the factory implementation for a user defined type T
 CGaudi::Details::Property::DefaultStringConverterImpl< TYPE >
 CGaudi::cpp17::details::detector< Default, AlwaysVoid, Op, Args >Implementation of the detection idiom (negative case)
 CGaudi::cpp17::details::detector< Default, std::void_t< Op< Args... > >, Op, Args... >Implementation of the detection idiom (positive case)
 CGaudi::CUDA::DeviceArray< T >
 CDirSearchPathSearch for files in a list of directories
 CROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem, Tag >
 CEList< T, N >
 CGaudi::Monitoring::Hub::EntityWrapper class for arbitrary monitoring objects
 CGaudi::Monitoring::BaseSink::EntityOrderList of entities we are dealing with
 CEventIDBaseThis class provides a unique identification for each event, in terms of run/event number and/or a time stamp
 CEventIDRangeEvent ID Range object. Holds two EventIDBases (start and stop)
 CEventIterator< TYPE >
 CEventSlotClass representing an event slot
 Cstd::exception [external]STL class
 Cextend_interfaces< Interfaces >Base class to be used to extend an interface
 Cextend_interfaces< IAlgTool >
 Cextend_interfaces< IInterface >
 Cextend_interfaces< INamedInterface, IStateful >
 Cextend_interfaces< Interfaces... >
 Cextend_interfaces< IService >
 Cextend_interfaces< IService, IAuditor >
 Cextend_interfaces< IService, IChronoSvc, IStatSvc >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::ExtractWeightA functor to extract weight, take a pair (valueTuple, weight) as input
 CGaudi::Accumulators::Extremum< Arithmetic, Atomicity, Compare, Initial >An Extremum ValueHandler, to be reused for Minimum and Maximum operator(a, b) means if (Compare(b,a)) a = b In case of full atomicity, compare_exchange_weak is used
 CGaudi::PluginService::v1::Details::Factory< T >Class providing default factory functions
 CGaudi::PluginService::v1::Factory< R, Args >Class wrapping the signature for a factory with any number of arguments
 CGaudi::PluginService::v2::Factory< R(Args...)>Class wrapping the signature for a factory with any number of arguments
 Cstd::false_type [external]
 CGaudi::Accumulators::FalseTo1Helper functor for the FalseAccumulator
 CGaudi::Functional::details::filter_evtcontext_t< In >
 CGaudi::Functional::details::filter_evtcontext_t< EventContext, In... >
 CGaudi::Functional::details::FilterPredicate< T, Traits_, isLegacy >
 Cfinal_action< F >
 CContainers::find< CONT >
 CGaudi::Parsers::PairGrammar< Iterator, PairT, Skipper >::first
 CGaudi::Parsers::KeyValueGrammar< Iterator, Skipper >::first
 CGaudi::Accumulators::details::FormatCounterDefaultDefault formating for counter names, only calling fmt::format on the text given at construction and passing the histo index as argument
 CGaudi::Accumulators::details::FormatHistDefaultDefault formating for histogram names and title, only calling fmt::format on the text given at construction and passing the histo index as argument
 Cfmt::formatter< Gaudi::Histograming::Sink::detail::IntWithFixedWidth >Fmt dedicated formatter for IntWithFixedWidth
 Cfmt::formatter< json_fmt_arg >Fmt formatter function for json class able to handle 2 types of formats : {} : in this case the type entry of json is used to deduce what to print, looking into the registry {:name|fmt} : in this case, the entry 'name' of the json will be printed in given format
 CGaudi::Examples::GaudiObjectHandler< T >
 CGaudi::TestSuite::GaudiObjectHandler< T >
 CRndm::Generator< TYPE >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::GenericAccumulator< InputTypeT, InnerType, Atomicity, InputTransform, OutputTransform, ValueHandler >Generic Accumulator, templated by
 CGaudi::Accumulators::GenericAccumulator< Args..., Args..., Atomicity, Identity >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::GenericAccumulator< Arithmetic, std::array< Arithmetic, 3 >, Atomicity, Identity, Identity, SigmasValueHandler< Arithmetic, Atomicity, 1 > >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::GenericAccumulator< Arithmetic, unsigned long, Atomicity, FalseTo1 >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::GenericAccumulator< Arithmetic, unsigned long, Atomicity, TrueTo1 >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::GenericAccumulator< bool, unsigned long, Atomicity, TrueTo1 >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::GenericAccumulator< double, double, Atomicity, Identity >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::GenericAccumulator< double, double, Atomicity, Identity, Identity, Maximum< double, Atomicity > >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::GenericAccumulator< double, double, Atomicity, Identity, Identity, Minimum< double, Atomicity > >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::GenericAccumulator< double, double, Atomicity, Square >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::GenericAccumulator< double, unsigned long, Atomicity, Constant< unsigned long, 1UL > >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::GenericAccumulator< std::array< Arithmetic, ND >, std::array< Arithmetic, NSUMS(ND)>, Atomicity, Identity, Identity, SigmasValueHandler< Arithmetic, Atomicity, ND > >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::GenericAccumulator< std::pair< Arithmetic, Arithmetic >, Arithmetic, Atomicity, WeightedProduct >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::GenericAccumulator< std::pair< Arithmetic, Arithmetic >, std::pair< unsigned long, Arithmetic >, Atomicity, WeightedProfileTransform, ExtractWeight, WeightedAdder< Arithmetic, Atomicity > >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::GenericAccumulator< std::pair< double, double >, double, Atomicity, WeightedSquare >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::GenericAccumulator< unsigned long, unsigned long, Atomicity, Identity >
 CGaudiUtils::GenericHash< T >Generic hash implementation (for easy migration to the new Hash class)
 CGaudi::Timers::GenericTimer< Clock, Unit >A generic timer based on std::chrono and Gaudi::Accumulators
 CGaudi::Functional::details::details2::get_from_handle< In >
 CTHistSvc::GlobalDirectoryRestoreHelper class that manages ROOts global directory and file
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, T, Skipper, Enable >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, Gaudi::Accumulators::Axis< Arithmetic >, Skipper >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KeyT, ValueT, KeyCompareT, AllocatorT >, Skipper >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, HeadT, Gaudi::Parsers::SkipperGrammar >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, MyCustomType, Skipper >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< T1, T2 >, Skipper >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, ROOT::Math::LorentzVector< T1 >, Skipper >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< T1, T2 >, Skipper >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, Scalar, Gaudi::Parsers::SkipperGrammar >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, ScalarT, Gaudi::Parsers::SkipperGrammar >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, std::list< InnerT, AllocatorT >, Skipper >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, std::map< KeyT, ValueT, KeyCompareT, AllocatorT >, Skipper >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, std::pair< KeyT, ValueT >, Skipper >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, std::pair< std::string, std::string >, Gaudi::Parsers::SkipperGrammar >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, std::pair< unsigned int, std::string >, Gaudi::Parsers::SkipperGrammar >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, std::set< InnerT, CompareT, AllocatorT >, Skipper >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, std::string, Gaudi::Parsers::SkipperGrammar >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, std::tuple< Args... >, Skipper >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, std::tuple_element_t< 0, ResultT >, Gaudi::Parsers::SkipperGrammar >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, std::unordered_map< KeyT, ValueT, HashT, KeyCompareT, AllocatorT >, Skipper >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, std::unordered_set< InnerT, HashT, CompareT, AllocatorT >, Skipper >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, std::vector< InnerT, AllocatorT >, Skipper >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, T, Skipper, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< T > > >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, T, Skipper, std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< T > > >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, typename MapT::key_type, Gaudi::Parsers::SkipperGrammar >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, typename MapT::mapped_type, Gaudi::Parsers::SkipperGrammar >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, typename PairT::first_type, Gaudi::Parsers::SkipperGrammar >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, typename PairT::second_type, Gaudi::Parsers::SkipperGrammar >
 CGaudi::Parsers::Grammar_< Iterator, typename VectorT::value_type, Gaudi::Parsers::SkipperGrammar >
 CLockedHandle< T, MutexType >::Guard
 CGaudiUtils::Hash< T >
 CGaudiUtils::Hash< const Gaudi::ParticleID & >
 CGaudiUtils::Hash< const Gaudi::ParticleID >
 CGaudiUtils::Hash< const T(&)[N]>Generic specialization for arrays
 Cstd::hash< Gaudi::Details::PropertyId >
 CGaudiUtils::Hash< Gaudi::ParticleID & >
 CGaudiUtils::Hash< Gaudi::ParticleID >
 Cstd::hash< Gaudi::StringKey >Specialization of hash function used in C++11 collections like std::unordered_map
 CGaudiUtils::Hash< T * >Partial specialization for pointers
 CGaudiUtils::Hash< T(&)[N]>Generic specialization for arrays
 CGaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray< Histo, N, Seq >Generic class implementing an array of histograms The only addition to a raw array is the constructor that allows to build names and titles for the histograms automatically from the index of the histogram in the array There are 2 possibilities :
 CGaudi::Accumulators::HistogramingAccumulatorInternal< Atomicity, InputType, Arithmetic, BaseAccumulatorT, AxisTupleType >Internal Accumulator class dealing with Histograming
 CGaudi::Accumulators::HistogramingAccumulatorInternal< Atomicity, HistoInputType< AxisToArithmetic_t< AxisTupleType >, ND >, unsigned long, IntegralAccumulator, AxisTupleType >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::HistogramingCounterBase< ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, Accumulator, AxisTupleType >A base counter dealing with Histograms
 CGaudi::Accumulators::HistogramingCounterBase< 1 >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::HistogramingCounterBase< 1, Atomicity, Arithmetic >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::HistogramingCounterBase< 1, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, RootHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::HistogramingCounterBase< 1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, Category, std::tuple< Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomAxis > >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::HistogramingCounterBase< 1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::HistogramingCounterBase< 1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::none >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::HistogramingCounterBase< 2 >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::HistogramingCounterBase< 2, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, RootHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::HistogramingCounterBase< 2, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::HistogramingCounterBase< 2, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::none >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::HistogramingCounterBase< 3 >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::HistogramingCounterBase< 3, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, RootHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::HistogramingCounterBase< 3, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::HistogramingCounterBase< 3, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::none >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::HistogramWrapperInternal< HistogramType, Seq >A Wrapper of a static Histogram base class using Properties to define title and axis
 CGaudi::Accumulators::HistogramWrapperInternal< 1 >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::HistogramWrapperInternal< 2 >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::HistogramWrapperInternal< 3 >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::HistogramWrapperInternal< HistogramType, std::integer_sequence< unsigned int, ND... > >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::HistoInputType< Arithmetic, NIndex >Small class used as InputType for regular Histograms basically a tuple of the given values, specialized in case of a single entry so that the syntax is more natural
 CGaudi::Example::TinyExperiment::HitMost simple Hit ever : in 2D space, and thus fully defined by x and y
 CGaudi::Monitoring::HubCentral entity in a Gaudi application that manages monitoring objects (i.e
 CGaudi::meta::id_< T >
 CGaudi::meta::id_< State >
 CGaudi::meta::id_< std::conditional_t< std::is_base_of_v< id_< I >, inherit_from< id_< Is >... > >, interface_list< Is... >, interface_list< Is..., I > > >
 CStreamBuffer::IdentifiedLinkDefinition of the contained link set
 CGaudi::Accumulators::IdentityAn Identity functor
 CRenounceToolInputsVisitor::ILoggerHelper class interface to optionally log renounce operations
 CGaudi::Functional::Traits::InputHandle_t< Handle >
 CGaudiPython::Interface< TYPE >
 CGaudiPython::Interface< IInterface >
 CGaudi::interface_list< I >
 CGaudi::interface_list_append< I >
 CGaudi::interface_list_cat< I >
 CGaudi::interface_list_cat< interface_list< I1..., I2... >, Others... >
 CGaudi::interface_list_cat< interface_list< Is... >, interface_list< I > >
 CGaudi::InterfaceId< INTERFACE, majVers, minVers >Class to handle automatically the versioning of the interfaces when they are inheriting from other interfaces
 CGaudi::Histograming::Sink::detail::IntWithFixedWidthHelper struct to print integers with fixed width
 CSystem::IO_COUNTERSProcess I/O Counters NtQueryInformationProcess using ProcessIoCounters
 CNTuple::Item< TYP >Class acting as a smart pointer holding a N tuple _Item
 CNTuple::Item< float >
 CNTuple::Item< Gaudi::TestSuite::MyTrack * >
 CNTuple::Item< int >
 CNTuple::Item< IOpaqueAddress * >
 CNTuple::Item< long >
 CNTuple::Item< uint32_t >
 CGaudi::Utils::AttribStringParser::IteratorIterator to loop over the tag/value pairs in the attribute string
 CGaudi::Functional::details::vector_of_const_< Container >::iterator
 CSystem::KERNEL_USER_TIMESProcess/Thread System and User Time NtQueryInformationProcess using ProcessTimes NtQueryInformationThread using ThreadTimes
 CContainers::key_traits< KEY >Key traits class
 CGaudiDict::KeyedContainerDict< T >
 CGaudiDict::KeyedObjectDict< T >
 CContainers::KeyedObjectManager< SETUP >KeyedObjectManager Class to manage keyed objects
 CLinkManager::LinkEmbedded class defining a symbolic link Note: No explicit copy constructor; implicit compiler generated one is just fine
 CIIncidentSvc::ListenerListener properties
 CLockedHandle< T, MutexType >
 CGaudi::PluginService::v1::Details::LoggerSimple logging class, just to provide a default implementation
 CNTuple::Matrix< TYP >Class acting as a smart pointer holding a N tuple _Item
 CNTuple::Matrix< IOpaqueAddress * >
 CGaudi::Example::TinyExperiment::MCHitMost simple MC Hit ever : in 2D space, and thus fully defined by x and y
 CGaudi::Example::TinyExperiment::MCTrackMost simple MC Track ever : in 2D space, starting from the origin and thus fully defined by an angle theta
 CGaudi::Functional::MergingMultiTransformer< Signature, Traits_ >
 CGaudi::Functional::MergingMultiTransformer< std::tuple< std::vector< int >, std::vector< double > >(const Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_< std::vector< int >> &, const Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_< std::vector< double >> &), BaseClass_t >
 CGaudi::Functional::MergingMultiTransformerFilter< Signature, Traits_ >
 CGaudi::Functional::details::MergingTransformer< Signature, Traits_, isLegacy >
 CGaudi::Arena::Monotonic< Alignment, UpstreamAllocator >A fast memory arena that does not track deallocations
 CMonotonicArenaShorthand for Gaudi::Allocator::Arena with Gaudi::Arena::Monotonic resource
 CMessageSvc::MsgAryPrivate helper class to keep the count of messages of a type (MSG::LEVEL)
 CGaudi::Functional::MultiScalarTransformer< ScalarOp, TransformerSignature, Traits_ >
 CGaudi::Functional::MultiScalarTransformer< FrExpTransformer, std::tuple< std::vector< double >, std::vector< int > >(const std::vector< double > &), BaseClass_t >
 CGaudi::Functional::MultiScalarTransformer< OptFrExpTransformer, std::tuple< std::vector< double >, std::vector< int > >(const std::vector< double > &), BaseClass_t >
 CGaudi ::Functional::details::MultiTransformer< Signature, Traits_, isLegacy >
 CGaudi ::Functional::details::MultiTransformerFilter< Signature, Traits_, isLegacy >
 CRndm::NumbersRandom number accessor This small class encapsulates the use of the random number generator
 CSmartDataObjectPtr::ObjectFinderHelper class to configure smart pointer functionality
 CSmartDataObjectPtr::ObjectLoaderHelper class to configure smart pointer functionality
 CObjectVector< Gaudi::Examples::MyTrack >
 CObjectVector< Gaudi::Examples::MyVertex >
 CObjectVector< Gaudi::TestSuite::MyTrack >
 CObjectVector< Gaudi::TestSuite::MyVertex >
 CIToolSvc::ObserverAllow call-backs when a tool is a created or retrieved
 CIScheduler::OccupancySnapshotSample occupancy at fixed interval (ms) Negative value to deactivate, 0 to snapshot every change Each sample, apply the callback function to the result
 CGaudi::Functional::Traits::WriteOpaqueFor< Data >::OpaqueView
 CGaudi::Parsers::Pnt3DGrammar< Iterator, PointT, Skipper >::Operations
 CGaudi::Parsers::TupleInnerGrammar< Iterator, TupleT, N, Skipper >::Operations
 CGaudi::Parsers::Histo1DGrammar< Iterator, Skipper >::Operations
 CGaudi::Parsers::TupleInnerGrammar< Iterator, TupleT, 1, Skipper >::Operations
 CGaudi::Parsers::MapGrammar< Iterator, MapT, Skipper >::Operations
 CGaudi::Parsers::Pnt4DGrammar< Iterator, PointT, Skipper >::Operations
 CGaudi::Parsers::DataObjIDGrammar< Iterator, Skipper >::Operations
 CGaudi::Functional::Traits::OutputHandle_t< Handle >
 CReplayOutputStream::OutStreamAdderHelper class to fill the internal map of OutputStreams
 Cstd::pair< HistoInputType< ArithmeticTuple, NIndex >, WArithmetic > [external]
 Cdetails::Payload_helper< Mode, T, U >
 Cdetails::Payload_helper< Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, Gaudi::NamedRange_< T >, U >
 Cdetails::Payload_helper< Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, Gaudi::Range_< T >, U >
 Cdetails::Payload_helper< Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, std::optional< Gaudi::NamedRange_< T > >, U >
 CGaudi::Utils::PeriodicActionHelper to periodically run asynchronous tasks
 CSystem::POOLED_USAGE_AND_LIMITSProcess Pooled Quota Usage and Limits NtQueryInformationProcess using ProcessPooledUsageAndLimits
 CROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< CoordSystem, Tag >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::PrintableCounterAn empty ancester of all counters that knows how to print themselves
 CGaudiPython::Printer< TYPE >
 CGaudiPython::Printer< ContainedObject >
 CGaudiPython::Printer< DataObject >
 CSystem::ProcessTimeSimple class to hold the time information of a process
 CGaudi::Functional::details::Producer< Signature, Traits_, isLegacy >
 CGaudi::Details::PropertyBasePropertyBase base class allowing PropertyBase* collections to be "homogeneous"
 CGaudi::Details::PropertyIdHelper to record a property identifier as a sequence of SharedString instances
 CGaudi::Accumulators::RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal< Atomicity, Arithmetic, ND, AxisTupleType >::ProxySmall procyclass allowing operator[] to work as expected on the RootHistogram that is to return something having an operator+= updating the histogram properly
 CSystem::QUOTA_LIMITSProcess Quotas NtQueryInformationProcess using ProcessQuotaLimits NtQueryInformationProcess using ProcessPooledQuotaLimits NtSetInformationProcess using ProcessQuotaLimits
 CNTuple::Range< TYP >Class defining a range
 CNTuple::Range< bool >
 CGaudi::Allocator::Arena< Resource, T, DefaultResource >::rebind< U >
 CGaudiUtils::Allocator< Type >::rebind< U >
 CGaudi::PluginService::v1::Details::RegistryIn-memory database of the loaded factories
 CPropertyHolder< BASE >::RemProperty
 CRenounceToolInputsVisitorHelper class to be used in conjunction with the recursive tool visitor to renounce certain inputs
 CRetCodeGuardHelper class to set the application return code in case of early exit (e.g
 Cdetails::reverse_wrapper< Iterable >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::RootHistogramingAccumulator< Atomicity, Arithmetic, ND, AxisTupleType >Class implementing a root histogram accumulator
 CGaudi::Accumulators::RootHistogramingCounterBase< ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, AxisTupleType >Extension of the standard Gaudi histogram to provide similar functionnality as ROOT
 CGaudi::Accumulators::RootHistogramingCounterBase< 1 >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::RootHistogramingCounterBase< 2 >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::RootHistogramingCounterBase< 3 >
 Cstd::runtime_error [external]STL class
 CGaudi::Functional::ScalarTransformer< ScalarOp, TransformerSignature, Traits_ >
 CGaudi::Functional::ScalarTransformer< LdExpTransformer, std::vector< double >(const std::vector< double > &, const std::vector< int > &), BaseClass_t >
 CGaudi::Functional::ScalarTransformer< OptLdExpTransformer, std::vector< double >(const std::vector< double > &, const std::vector< int > &), BaseClass_t >
 CGaudi::Timers::GenericTimer< Clock, Unit >::ScopeTimerA scoped timer that starts/stops on con/de-struction
 CGaudi::Parsers::PairGrammar< Iterator, PairT, Skipper >::second
 CGaudi::Parsers::KeyValueGrammar< Iterator, Skipper >::second
 CServiceLocatorHelperHelper to share the implementation of service() among the various kernel base classes
 CGaudi::Details::SharedStringStd::string wrapper for static strings where identical values actually share the memory
 CGaudi::Accumulators::SigmasValueHandler< Arithmetic, Atomicity, ND >
 CGaudi::Monitoring::Hub::SinkInterface reporting services must implement
 CSmartIF< DLLClassManager >
 CSmartIF< Gaudi::IFileCatalog >
 CSmartIF< Gaudi::IIODataManager >
 CSmartIF< Gaudi::Interfaces::IParticlePropertySvc >
 CSmartIF< Gaudi::ISignalMonitor >
 CSmartIF< IAddressCreator >
 CSmartIF< IAlgContextSvc >
 CSmartIF< IAlgExecStateSvc >
 CSmartIF< IAlgManager >
 CSmartIF< IAlgorithm >
 CSmartIF< IAlgResourcePool >
 CSmartIF< IAppMgrUI >
 CSmartIF< IAuditor >
 CSmartIF< IAuditorSvc >
 CSmartIF< IChronoStatSvc >
 CSmartIF< IComponentManager >
 CSmartIF< ICondSvc >
 CSmartIF< IConversionSvc >
 CSmartIF< ICPUCrunchSvc >
 CSmartIF< IDataManagerSvc >
 CSmartIF< IDataProviderSvc >
 CSmartIF< IEventProcessor >
 CSmartIF< IEvtSelector >
 CSmartIF< IExceptionSvc >
 CSmartIF< IHistogramSvc >
 CSmartIF< IHistorySvc >
 CSmartIF< IHiveWhiteBoard >
 CSmartIF< IIncidentAsyncTestSvc >
 CSmartIF< IIncidentListener >
 CSmartIF< IIncidentSvc >
 CSmartIF< IInterface >
 CSmartIF< IMessageSvc >
 CSmartIF< IMonitorSvc >
 CSmartIF< INTupleSvc >
 CSmartIF< IPartitionControl >
 CSmartIF< IPrecedenceSvc >
 CSmartIF< IProperty >
 CSmartIF< IQueueingEventProcessor >
 CSmartIF< IRndmEngine >
 CSmartIF< IRndmGen >
 CSmartIF< IRndmGenSvc >
 CSmartIF< IRunable >
 CSmartIF< IScheduler >
 CSmartIF< ISelectStatement >
 CSmartIF< ISerialize >
 CSmartIF< IService >
 CSmartIF< IStateful >
 CSmartIF< IStatSvc >
 CSmartIF< ISvcLocator >
 CSmartIF< ISvcManager >
 CSmartIF< IThreadPoolSvc >
 CSmartIF< ITimelineSvc >
 CSmartIF< IToolSvc >
 CSmartRef< TYPE >Kernel objects: SmartRef
 CSmartRef< ContainedObject >
 CSmartRef< DataObject >
 CSmartRef< Gaudi::Examples::Collision >
 CSmartRef< Gaudi::Examples::Event >
 CSmartRef< Gaudi::Examples::MyTrack >
 CSmartRef< Gaudi::Examples::MyVertex >
 CSmartRef< Gaudi::TestSuite::Collision >
 CSmartRef< Gaudi::TestSuite::Event >
 CSmartRef< Gaudi::TestSuite::MyTrack >
 CSmartRef< Gaudi::TestSuite::MyVertex >
 CSmartRefArray< TYPE >
 CSmartRefBaseUser example objects: SmartRefBase
 CSmartRefList< TYPE >
 CSmartRefMap< TYPE >
 CGaudi::Functional::details::SplittingMergingTransformer< Signature, Traits_, isLegacy >
 CGaudi::Functional::details::SplittingTransformer< Signature, Traits_, isLegacy >
 CGaudi::Accumulators::SquareA Square functor
 CGaudi::Parsers::AxisGrammar< Iterator, Skipper, Arithmetic >::StoreMaxValueOp
 CGaudi::Parsers::AxisGrammar< Iterator, Skipper, Arithmetic >::StoreMinValueOp
 CGaudi::Parsers::AxisGrammar< Iterator, Skipper, Arithmetic >::StoreNbinsOp
 CGaudi::Parsers::AxisGrammar< Iterator, Skipper, Arithmetic >::StoreTitleOp
 Cstd::string [external]STL class
 Cstd::stringbuf [external]
 CGaudi::Details::Property::StringConverter< DataObjIDColl >
 CGaudi::Details::Property::StringConverter< DataObjIDVector >
 CGaudi::Details::Property::SwapCallHelper to disable a while triggering it, to avoid infinite recursion
 CGaudi::cxx::SynchronizedValue< Value, Mutex, ReadLock, WriteLock >
 CGaudi::cxx::SynchronizedValue< Gaudi::Decays::Nodes::CTau::KnownPids >
 CGaudi::Parsers::MapGrammar< Iterator, MapT, Skipper >::tag_key
 CGaudi::Parsers::MapGrammar< Iterator, MapT, Skipper >::tag_mapped
 CGaudi::tagged_bool_ns::tagged_bool< Tag >
 CMultiStoreSvc::tagROOTRoot type (address or object)
 CAvalancheSchedulerSvc::TaskSpecStruct to hold entries in the alg queues
 CTHistSvc::THistIDHelper struct that bundles the histogram ID with a mutex, TFile and TObject*
 CThreadInitTaskSpecial TBB task used by ThreadPoolSvc to wrap execution of IThreadInitTools
 CITimelineSvc::TimelineRecorderRAII helper to record timeline events
 CGaudi::Functional::details::ToolBinder< Signature, Traits >
 CToolHandleInfoGeneral info and helper functions for toolhandles and arrays
 CToolSvc::ToolListCommon Tools
 CGaudi::Example::TinyExperiment::TrackMost simple Track ever : in 2D space, starting from the origin and thus fully defined by an angle theta
 CGaudi::Histograming::Sink::Traits< isProfile, RootHisto, N >Templated Traits dealing with Root Histogram filling for standard histograms
 CContainers::traits< CONTAINER, DATATYPE >Container traits class
 CGaudi::Histograming::Sink::details::TraitsBase< RootHisto, N >Common base for Traits dealing with Histogram conversions to Root Provides generic implementation for creating the histogram and filling meta data The filling (method fill) is not implemented
 CGaudi::Histograming::Sink::details::TraitsBase< details::ProfileWrapper< RootHisto >, N >
 CGaudi ::Functional::details::Transformer< Signature, Traits_, isLegacy >
 Cstd::true_type [external]
 CGaudi::Accumulators::TrueTo1Helper functor for the TrueAccumulator
 CRootHistCnv::RHistogramCnv< T, S, Q >::TTH< CLASS >
 Cstd::tuple< Elements... > [external]
 CGaudi::Parsers::tuple_get_first_type< T >
 CGaudi::Parsers::tuple_get_first_type< std::tuple< T, Ts... > >
 CGaudi::Parsers::tuple_remove_first_type< T >
 CGaudi::Parsers::tuple_remove_first_type< std::tuple< T, Ts... > >
 CGaudi::Utils::TuplePrinter< Tuple, N >
 CGaudi::Utils::TuplePrinter< Tuple, 1 >
 CGaudi::Utils::TypeNameStringHelper class to parse a string of format "type/name"
 Cstd::vector< SmartRef< Gaudi::Examples::Collision > > [external]
 Cstd::vector< SmartRef< Gaudi::Examples::MyTrack > > [external]
 Cstd::vector< SmartRef< Gaudi::Examples::MyVertex > > [external]
 Cstd::vector< SmartRef< Gaudi::TestSuite::Collision > > [external]
 Cstd::vector< SmartRef< Gaudi::TestSuite::MyTrack > > [external]
 Cstd::vector< SmartRef< Gaudi::TestSuite::MyVertex > > [external]
 Cstd::vector< SmartRef< TYPE > > [external]
 CContainers::vector< void * >
 CGaudi::Functional::details::vector_of_const_< Container >
 CSystem::VM_COUNTERSProcess Virtual Memory Counters NtQueryInformationProcess using ProcessVmCounters
 CGaudi::Details::WeakPropertyRefOptional reference to a property that can be used to refer to a sting or to the string representation of a property instance value
 CGaudi::Accumulators::WeightedAdder< Arithmetic, Atomicity >An Adder ValueHandler, taking weight into account and computing a count plus the sum of the weights In case of full atomicity, fetch_add or compare_exchange_weak are used for each element, that is we do not have full atomicity accross the two elements
 CGaudi::Accumulators::WeightedProductA Product functor, take a pair (value, weight) as input
 CGaudi::Accumulators::WeightedProfileTransformAn inputTransform for WeightedProfile histograms, keeping weight and replacing value by 1
 CGaudi::Accumulators::WeightedSquareA WeightedSquare functor, take a pair (value, weight) as input
 CGaudi::Functional::Traits::WriteOpaqueFor< Data >
 CGaudi::NTuple::Writer< Signature, Traits_ >Base template for NTuple::Writer. Actual specializations of this template provide the functionality
 CGaudi::NTuple::Writer< std::tuple< int, size_t, float >(const std::vector< int > &)>
 CGaudi::NTuple::WriterMixin< Signature >Base template for NTuple::WriterMixin. Actual specializations of this template provide the functionality
 CGaudi::NTuple::WriterMixin< std::tuple< OUTPUTs... >(const INPUTs &...)>
 CGaudi::Functional::Traits::writeViewFor< Data, View >